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Jungkook Pov.

I was busy filling forms of job application on my laptop when I felt Taetae rub his face on my thighs.

I flush red when I feel him getting really close to my croth.

"Taetae baby, u wanna cuddle?" "No.. " I hum and get back to work when I again feel him inching near my croth area.

"Taetae! Baby noooo" I whine. I'm still sore after last night. I see taetae pout and his ears drop with a sad face he gets up the couch and walks over the dining table.

I watch his actions from my peripheral vision as I try filling my form.

"Hey koo" I hear V's deep voice, sending chills down my spine. He pecks my neck once and walks away to Taetae who's still sitting on the dining table with a big pout. Dainty legs dangling from the table as he's shorter.

"What's wrong taetae?" The younger doesn't answer. He just turns his face away. "Hey boba ball, what's wrong?"

I lift my head up to see Taetae sulking. "What's wrong with him koo?" V ask me turning towards me. "Umm.. " I don't wanna do it again I'm still sore from last night, and I know Taetae is bigger than me...

"I- I don't know" I say while hunching my shoulders and tilting my head.

"Taetae, let's play?" V tries, changing himself into his cat form and getting in Taetae's lap to play. Taetae is still sulking but soon burts into small giggles when V nuzzles his furry self in Taetae's thighs, tickling him.

I smile and get back to my work.


I was doing the dishes and V was on the couch lazily switching channels.

I screech suddenly when I feel something furry rope like thing touch my inner thighs "EEEEK!"

I jump and look back finding Taetae shyly holding onto his tail "umm.. Taetae is sowwy.. " He apologies and leaves, I could see him grin tho.

I hear V clearing his throat and I quickly get back to doing dishes.


I was doing other chores, folding clothes on my bed when Taetae suddenly jumped on me in his cat form and snugly fit himself in my lap. I give him a bright smile and pat him while folding clothes.

After some time I feel him getting inside my T-shirt, he likes to cuddle like that.

He pushes me back "baby not now, I'm folding clothes" I say as I try not to get pushed back. He whines and suddenly peeks out of my tshirt and glares at me.

How cute.

He successful pushes me back with much struggle and I lay back waiting for him to nuzzle his face in my tummy.

I let out a giggle when he purrs in my tummy.

"Cutie... I need to fold clothes" I say pushing his head a bit away but he suddenly growls showing his sharp canines.

"Okay- sorry, c-continue.. " I say and lay back, relaxing my body. I caress his hair.

Soon I feel my eyes closing and soon drift off to sleep.

Paws and ears [Taekook Oneshots]Where stories live. Discover now