@Reflected_Sadness asks and dares

135 6 1

-Could you talk about the newcomers on SSB?
-Have you ever played any non Nintendo game?
-What do you think about Zelda for Wii U?
-Any better with Light Arrows?

1. All the newcomers are nice and all. It's just the villager's eyes. It's like they're staring into your soul 0_0.
I still have no idea what Greninja is. There's not much to say about the newcomers.

2. Yes I have. Not many but a few.

3. I think it's pretty cool. I like the new designs for everyone. {Admin: I have yet to play it :( }

4. I guess. They're basically like regular arrows just more powerful.

-Make Link stand to a tree and put an apple on his head, and try to shoot the apple with Light Arrows
-I dare you to steal Nayru's Love, Farore's Wind and Din's Fire
-Fight Master Hand AND crazy Hand! With Link, Toon Link and Zelda.

1. I'm not going to waste powerful arrows. I'll use regular arrows though.
~Few minutes later~
"Okay stand still." *places Apple on Link's head* *stands far enough distance and aims arrow*
*shoots arrow at apple*. "Done."

2.I don't think I can steal those. They're magic and I don't know how to take magic away from someone.

3. Well Master Hand kinda owns Smash Mansion and I really don't want to be kick out and I have no idea where Crazy Hand is.....

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