You can do it! Have hope in yourself, Sparkly Orange!

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"Okay, Grapefruit Cookie. So you are Lively Grapefruit, the citrus of believing...Now lots of people are talking about you." Grapefruit Cookie said.


"Maybe I'll just..stay awake for a couple more..."

Grapefruit Cookie drifted off to sleep.

The next day, Orange Cookie was seen talking to Lemon Cookie. Grapefruit Cookie and Lime Cookie were wittnessing Lemon's possible confession of love.

"I...Well...I...I lo-" Lemon Cookie clamped his mouth shut in embarrasment. He was too flushed to confess. Afortunately, Orange understood. 

"Well, well, well...what do we have here? I think Lemon Cookie has a crush on-" Grapefruit Cookie said, as Lemon Cookie clamped her mouth shut.

"You can't tell my secret!" Lemon Cookie silently yelled.

(Hehe, it's possible he has a crush on either me or Grapefruit Cookie. It's more possible that it's me, though...) Orange Cookie thought.

At lunch...Orange Cookie said:

"I'm sorry. But I won't be able to go home with you guys. I don't think I'll win a swordsfight match against the best one at school. I'm one of the best, but..."

"You gotta have hope!" Grapefruit Cookie said.

"No matter what. You're gonna win against White Choco Cookie. I know it!"

"Thank you, Grapefruit Cookie. I will mark your words!"

The day of the match...

"This is it, Orange Cookie. Remember what Grapefruit Cookie said. Have hope in yourself!" Orange Cookie whispered to herself.

And just when the match was about to start...A Nojuice and an Anti-Juicy Commander named Broken Cookie came. Everyone evacuated at the sign of the director.

"Oh man, one of those. I'm going to the bathrooms." Grapefruit Cookie said worrisomely. 

She transformed inside the bathroom and shot the Nojuice with the Citrus Bow, but it didn't work.

"WHAT?!" Lively Grapefruit said, shocked.

She continued fighting to defeat it in other ways, but failed and fell to the ground. 

"Oh no...Wait a minute...No! This can't be! This can't be!"

Orange Cookie inmediately ran to the scene. She protected her friend and yelled:

"Please leave Grapefruit Cookie alone! She told me to have hope in myself, and I will mark those words!"

An orange aura shines infront of Orange Cookie, making her Citrus Wristband appear.

The Citrus Wristband said:

"You have the power of the orange citrus. You may only use it for the greater good. Now you must say:Citrus Power Link. Are you ready?"

"I am ready."

"Citrus Wristband!"

She clicks on the orange slice on the center of the Citrus Wristband 

"Citrus Power..."

She spreads her arms up, brings the arm that has the Citrus Wristband and makes a peace sign on her hand


Orange Cookie then spreads the arm that has the Citrus Wristband happily as an orange aura surrounds her. She smiles and her gloves appear. She jumps and her boots, skirt and blouse appear. Her orange slice hair clip appears as she jumps down and introduces herself.

"The orange citrus of hope! Sparkly Orange!"

She noticed her new look, and then put on her determined face. She fought the Nojuice and realized she was stronger than the rest of her team.

Sparkly Orange saw her Citrus Staff, and decided to wield it to attack the Nojuice.

"Citrus Staff!"

Sparkly Orange gets ready to aim a beam at the Nojuice. She aims her staff at the Nojuice, and yells:

"Orange Beam!"

Sparkly Orange launches a orange colored beam at the Nojuice, going through it and purifying it instantly.

"Sparkly Orange!" Lively Grapefruit says happily as she jumps on her. 

"That.Was.AWESOME!" Lively Grapefruit says happily.

"Hahaha! Glad you think so!" Sparkly Orange replied.

"Have you heard of Sparkly Orange! Grapefruit told me she was awesome, and I won that match thanks to her words!" Orange Cookie said, smiling

"You're welcome!" Grapefruit Cookie replied, smiling as well. "And yes, she's awesome! But not as awesome as Lively Grapefruit. Really, she's my favorite out of the two."

Everyone including Grapefruit burst into laughter as they went home for the day.

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