Kavra Trevelyan (The Inquisitor): Relationships

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Kavra Trevelyan (Rogue: The Inquisitor): She is fascinated with magic even though she has no magical abilities herself

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Kavra Trevelyan (Rogue: The Inquisitor): She is fascinated with magic even though she has no magical abilities herself.

o   She is deadly with a bow and arrow and knows how to effectively hide from her enemies, using her skills to strike from the shadows. She also keeps a small dagger on hand, in case of emergencies. 

o   Back home, she became fast friends with her family's elven slaves. One of them, Fellan, had an affinity for magic, and she would beg him to perform simple magic tricks when no one else was around, such as starting the stove fire with a spark from his hands or changing the color of the flames flickering in the brick fireplace. On rare occasions, he would use his magic to tell stories by creating images in the air, usually made from wisps of smoke or pure energy. The other elves would often gather around during these moments, finding comfort in Kavra's fascination with their people.

o   One day, Kavra's father caught her in the kitchens with Fellan and the other elves, and he was furious. He threatened to have the slaves thrown into the dungeons, but Kavra fiercely defended her friends, telling her father she had asked to see Fellan's magic and admitting she had been fascinated by it all along. Disgusted, her father disowned her on the spot and banished her from their household, saying he expected better than a "knife-ear lover" from his own flesh and blood. She left without saying goodbye.

o   Kavra heard about the meeting at the Conclave and went in the hopes of finding her mother so she could explain why she left. She was caught in the explosion instead and doesn't know if anyone from her family was there or killed in the blast.

Cullen Rutherford: Kavra is enamored by Cullen and his ability to command the Inquisition army with ease. She is drawn in not only by his good looks but by his presence, where she immediately feels safe and knows she needn't worry about danger when he is nearby. She also is incredibly attracted to his initial shyness and finds that he gives the same loyalty to her that he expects from his soldiers.

Solas: Kavra loves engaging with Solas in conversation, and though he is less inclined to entertain her with simple tricks, he does appreciate her interest in magic and the Fade. He is content with explaining the different kinds of magic to her and will occasionally show her how a spell is performed.

o   When Kavra discovers that Cullen is being plagued by nightmares and is often unable to sleep, she approaches Solas for help. By relying on the power of the Anchor, Solas is able to guide her into Cullen's dreams and teach her how to effectively pull him out of the nightmares into other, more calming, areas of the Fade. After a couple nights of practice, Kavra is able to do it on her own without any help from Solas.

Cole: Kavra is unsure what to think of Cole, and though she is often confused by his choice of words or his behavior, she is slowly learning how to better communicate with him and is fascinated by his unique perspective of the world. Though she is unaware of it, Solas greatly appreciates her efforts to befriend him.

Dorian Pavus: Kavra became friends with Dorian very quickly, and they found themselves confiding in each other as though they had known each other for years. Despite their opposing perspectives about slavery, both are willing to engage in a civil debate about many topics. Unlike Solas, Dorian is eager to showcase his magical parlor tricks to Kavra. When Dorian and Bull eventually get together, Kavra is wholeheartedly supportive, and is quick to shut down any disparaging rumors she hears about them.

Iron Bull: Kavra greatly enjoys hanging out with Iron Bull and his Chargers and finds them to be the most accepting group she's ever met in Thedas. It is plain as day to her that Iron Bull lives up to his name, as he is an absolute beast on the battlefield, and fighting alongside him is guaranteed to get her blood pumping with his passionate desire for a solid fight.

Cassandra Pentaghast: Kavra and Cassandra had rough waters at the start of their friendship, understandably so, but over time, Kavra has come to greatly appreciate Cassandra's conviction and tenacity, both on the battlefield and off. When she discovered Cassandra's vice for romance, it was both a point of teasing and further connection between them, as Kavra is not-so-secretly the same way.

Varric Tethras: Kavra can always count on Varric to tell a good story, even if the story is about that one time where she may or may not have drunkenly gotten up on the table in the tavern. She learned early on that he is a ruthless card player and refuses to play Wicked Grace 1v1 against him. Kavra admires his fierce loyalty to his friends, although she does wonder about the unique friendship between Varric and Hawke, as he tends to deflect her questions any time she asks. Varric's nickname for her is Karma.

Warden Blackwall (Thom Rainier): Kavra can see and hear the loyalty in Blackwall when he talks about supporting the Inquisition, and though she never has to worry about their safety in a fight when he's around, there's something off that she can't quite pinpoint, and therefore struggles with being able to fully trust him. For all intents and purposes, he seems like a genuine guy, and part of her feels guilty about her doubts for that reason.

Sera: Kavra isn't entirely sure what to think about Sera. She enjoys a good prank every now and again, and she understands Sera's perspective about wanting to protect the common people around Thedas, but Sera's approach is hazardous and messy, which doesn't always sit well with Kavra. Still, she finds it difficult to keep a smile off her face after hearing the witty, mostly inappropriate jokes that roll off Sera's tongue.

Vivienne: Kavra has a great deal of respect for the backbone of steel in Vivienne, but she wholeheartedly disagrees with the concept of the Circles. The two of them stand firm in their beliefs, which Vivienne respects Kavra for holding her ground, but as a result, they try to avoid the topic and instead focus on the Inquisition's goals. 

Leliana: Kavra secretly adores Leliana for her wit and skill as an incredible spymaster, though she knows it probably isn't a secret to Leliana. Kavra likes to ask her questions about her methods and tactics, to which Leliana often smiles and replies with a mysterious comment, furthering Kavra's intrigue in her. For as curious as Kavra is about Leliana's time with the Hero of Ferelden, she finds that it can be a sensitive subject at times, and therefore tries to keep her questions reigned in when the topic comes up.

Josephine Montilyet: Kavra greatly appreciates Josephine's skills in dealing with nobles and people of the court throughout Thedas, as it is an ability she will never possess and she is grateful that their ambassador is so damn good at it. While Kavra usually has no clue what Josephine is talking about when she brings up her work, Kavra really likes being around her, as Josephine is one of the most approachable people she works with.

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