Mysterious Letters

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Hi, my name is Kali. I am a short story writer and have been writing for years. Just a little bit about this book it is a mystery/thriller and there are strong words and sometimes violence. So, readers just to be aware of that. I hope you enjoy this book! It has been a dream of mine to have others read my work! I hope you have an amazing day and happy reading! 

All the love- K 

Running... Running so hard my feet feel like they are about to snap off... I'm scraping, clawing my way to freedom... I should have known that something would go wrong in these woods... nowhere to run or hide in that matter. Just rocks, trees and dirt... town is at least a couple miles from these woods, I can hear footsteps crunching and snapping twigs from behind me... damn he's caught up to me. With a broken arm, no food, and nowhere to hide until morning comes... I'm doomed, that's until I can see something in front of me... could this be the way out to freedom? or could this put me in more danger? I guess we'll have to wait and see... Right? 

Mysterious Letters? 

I wake up, getting ready for school... Ugh I hate school, I have no friends. I have no one except me, myself, and I. I get picked on and called "the weird one" just because I'm not 'normal' whatever that means. I mean I don't look any different, other than I have curly hair, glasses and braces. I almost look... boring... nothing special to look at. At least I don't see anything special about me. I go downstairs to eat breakfast before I head to school in my Ford F150 double wide farm truck my dad bought me before he disappeared. I wonder whatever happened to him. We haven't heard anything from him in almost 3 or 4 months now... but I do remember him receiving mysterious letters in the mail for years. I never dared open my father's mail. He would get angry if I asked him what it was about... I mean why would he get letters from someone named 'anonymous' addressed to my father. You see my father is the type of guy that never talks to anyone. He has three brothers, but he never talks to them, he said it was because "he didn't know where they lived" I always thought it to be odd that he never knew where anyone was these days. He didn't have friends in high school or in college (or so he told me) and he was awfully quiet, never spoke unless spoken too or if he felt the need to say something. I didn't see much of my father growing up. He was always studying something. He had a whole library that he would sit there all day and study different things, but mostly he would go through papers that he had had since I was born... and I always remember them being the same type of paper and a specific type of ink. I'm not sure what type of ink or paper it was but it's not like computer paper or ink that you could buy from a grocery store here in town. The ink color was odd. It wasn't your normal type of black or blue ink. It was red. The letters were always handwritten... the only reason why I know that is because when I was little, I snuck into my father's office. I made my way to his filing cabinet where he kept the letters. I remember trying to open the cabinet drawer, but I was too small, and it was really hard to get open. "Come on... open up" I tugged and pulled the cabinet drawer, but it didn't budge. I looked around to see if I could find the key anywhere, but apparently my father had hidden it somewhere it either couldn't be found or he had it on his nightstand by his side of the bed. That was until I saw something shiny glitter in the moonlight. I quickly but quietly made my way over to the bookshelves that held thousands of books my father has collected and owned since he was a boy. I picked up the shiny item not knowing what it was because of it being dark but also very dusty in this room... I've never understood why father never let any of the cleaning maids come in here and clean all this dust off of everything. I ran over to the windowsill to stick my hand underneath the curtain and see what was in my hand. I pushed the curtain out of the way and my eyes couldn't believe it, it was the key to the filing cabinet... I could finally see the letters my father was receiving. That was until I could hear footsteps coming... I quickly pulled the curtain shut and ran over to the bookshelves and replaced the key where it belonged and dove underneath my father's desk... all the while the footsteps grew louder... I tucked my knees up under my chin and tried to get my breathing to stabilize from running around the room before I got caught. My breath hitched in the back of my throat when I heard the door open. I stayed so still I thought I would turn into a statue eventually. I then heard the door shut and the footsteps stomp their way from my father's office. Whew. That was close... a little too close... I got out from behind my father's desk and retrieved the key from where I put it back in its spot. I ran back to the filing cabinet before someone walked in on me snooping around in things, I'm not supposed to be in. I jammed the key in the slot and quietly slid the cabinets drawer out and admired the manila envelopes inside the drawer. I carefully picked one up and went to sit in my father's desk chair. I carefully slid the contents of the first manila envelope out and laid them on my father's desk. I flipped through the papers and documents quickly scanning each one and putting them back inside the envelope and laying it back inside the drawer hoping that father never knew what I was doing. I stayed up all night reading the letters and documents thinking to myself why this person was wanting my father to come out to these mysterious coordinates stated in the letters. I finally came to an end reading and scanning my father's things until I found a map that had a little area right outside of town circled in red ink... the same ink used in the letters and documents father kept. I shoved the map into the pocket of my pajama pants and shut the filing cabinet drawer, locked it, walked over to the bookshelves, replaced the key and walked out of my father's office like nothing ever happened. I still haven't told anyone what I did all those years ago. I can't really remember what all the documents and letters said to be honest. I might go back and re-read them once I find the time too. I push all those thoughts to the side and go to school before I'm late. I drive for about 20 minutes to get to school. I find a parking spot and get out of my truck making sure to lock my doors before heading into the building. I tuck my keys into the front pocket of my jeans and throw my backpack over my shoulders. I finally get inside the school building and head to my locker to grab a few things before class starts. I close my locker door after grabbing a few pencils and erasers since it seems my pencils and erasers keep disappearing. I quickly head to my English class and get seated before anyone gets the idea of pulling some dumb prank on me like they always do. I walk to the back of the class and sit down and get ready for our lesson. 

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