1 hour of hell

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I watched as the people in my first period English class walk into the room and find their seat. No one ever sat beside me in this class, which is fine... I don't like any of these people anyway. I began to write in my journal about a new short story that I wanted to write and maybe publish. Wham. "What do you want Derek?" I said not bothering to look up from my journal. I never lost my focus as Derek slammed his big fleshy ring covered hand on my desk. You see we used to be friends in middle school, he used to come over to my house every day and study with me. But as soon as we got into high school that's when he started the dumb pranks with his stupid jock friends. I paused, tapped my pencil up against the wood of my desk trying to think of what to put next in my journal. I never looked up, but it was killing me not to, he hasn't said a word. I draw my eyes up to his face. I sigh exasperated waiting for him to say something. He took his hand off my desk and crossed his arms. I did the same and tipped back in my chair to get a full loot at his facial expression. "Earth to Derek." I spoke. "Derek, you have 1.2 seconds to say something, and if you don't then go to your seat and leave me the hell alone. I'm tired and I'm so done with your dumb pranks." I said harshly all in one breath. I waited until he said something. I uncrossed one of my arms pretending to look at a watch on my wrist, like it was ticking down the remaining seconds he had to say something before I knocked some sense into him. He bent down to where his face was an inch from mine, of course it shocked me for him being this close to me... It made me uncomfortable. But my annoyed expression never wavered. Still nothing. I wanted to push his face away to give me breathing space... because he is so totally violating my personal space bubble, which I value very much. "Well, it seems like you're not going to say anything important, bye Derek." I waved cutely at him and gave him a fake smile. I then started writing in my journal again, until Derek ripped it out of my hands. "Hey! give that back right now" I said through gritted teeth. I was so pissed I wanted to punch him square in the jaw. "Oh? this thing right here? You're going to have to come and get it." Derek said. I'm about 5'9 so it should be easy for me to grab out of his hands. I grab the spine of my notebook and give it a good yank to try and get it out of his hands, but damn he has a grip made of steel. I tried again but this time he pushed me backwards right onto my hind end. I got up and brushed the back of my pants off and walked angrily towards him. Usually, stuff doesn't make me mad... but when it comes to Derek... It's like I'm one of those bulls in the arena with the man that holds the red cape. And right now, that red cape is my notebook. No one. And I mean no one touches that notebook, not even my mother touches it. I grab my notebook and rip it right out of his hands and walk back towards my desk. But of course, Derek has something else in mind. I roll my eyes. He walks right in front of me to block my path. I shove him hard enough to make him fall on his rear end, which stiffels a laugh out of the entire class. I turn my head and grin a little and start walking back to my desk. I step right in the middle of Dereks chest making him groan from my weight. I get back to my seat and put my notebook back into my bag before anything else happens to it. Class goes well, which is surprising because it's never gone well. Especially with Derek and his friends. I walk quickly to my next class, which is chemistry, (Which I love because science duh.) That's when I get body slammed by one of the big classroom doors. Which sends me flying and tumbling into people behind me and around me. When I finally hit the ground, I just lay there stunned by what just happened. I think I have a broken nose, and maybe a broken wrist and a sprained ankle because it hurts, God it hurts so bad. I finally will my body to sit up, which is a mistake because it makes everything worse. The people that I took down with me got up from the ground unharmed. Everyone is surrounding me asking me if I'm ok, one tries to get me up off the ground, but I grunt in pain. They of course drop me to the ground making me fall almost completely limp to the floor again. The school nurse finally comes and starts assisting me. She tries to pick me up, but she is unsuccessful. I mean I'm a small person and weigh no more than 130lbs, but the nurse looks like she is at least 120lbs and trying to carry a 130lb person might not be the easiest thing to do. She looks around to see if she can find anyone capable to carry me to her office. "Derek please help me get her to the office." She asked. "Hell no, I'm not carrying her to the nurse's office." he said. "And why not? Is it because you like her? and you want to be seen as this big bad guy? when in all reality that person isn't you?" she said, Infront of everyone. I don't think I've ever seen Derek embarrassed in my life; I mean he is as red as a tomato. "N-No, that's not why, its-it's because she is stubborn and I want nothing to do with her, I mean she's the idot that walked into the door in the first place, she's fine. See." Derek comes over and snatched me up out of the floor and lets me go. I immediately fall forward, and he snatched me up in his arms. "Okay, maybe she's not alright." He said embarrassed. "Yeah dumb-shit I'm not playing; does it look like I'm playing to you? Especially with my nose bleeding and my hand dangling like a limp noodle?" I asked pissed off. But also, very much in pain. Derek carried me all the way to the nurse's office, and even stayed with me until she got everything, she needed to repair my broken nose and wrist until my mom could come and get me. "What?" I asked. Derek was staring holes into the side of my face. He said nothing. I looked over at him exasperated wanting him to use the lump three feet above his butt, I wish he would use it to form sentences, but what am I thinking he is a three-year-old in an 18-year old's body. After the nurse gets done wrapping my wrist and ankle and put an ice pack to my nose, I lay down on the bench I'm sitting on. Derek is still here with me because he still yet to quit staring holes in me. "Hey, you doing, ok?" Derek asked. "No, I'm not doing ok, I have a broken nose and wrist as well as a twisted ankle... So that answer is a definite no." I say and flop back down on my back. "Well, you wouldn't be in this situation if you watched where you were walking." Derek seemed pissed at me... I mean what the hell dude, it's not like it's my fault, the door just slammed open how was i supposed to know or react in time? And maybe if Derek didn't try to chase me in the hallways like he always does, maybe just maybe I wouldn't have been walking so fast. "Well listen here Derek, it was not my fault, I didn't know there were people in that classroom, that classroom is usually empty the first period. And maybe if you wouldn't chase me down the hallway like you do every day, maybe I wouldn't have been walking so fast, you're such a jerk. I hope you know that, and this is your fault, because if you didn't hurt me mentally maybe just maybe I would forgive you, but I can't and while we are here, why did you start teasing me after we got out of middle school? I never did anything to you in the first place, I was your friend, and you were my only friend Derek now I have nobody, I am alone and I hate it, I have to be strong at home because my father disappeared three months ago, I have to be strong for my sisters and my mother, and then coming here in this hell hole, I have to act like the bullying doesn't bother me, but it does, it hurts Derek, I can't go home and take the load off at home from school and all the shit you put me through, so I have to keep it bottled up, And I'm done, So done, Also did you know I still have the friendship bracelet you gave me when we were kids? I haven't taken it off once. Hoping one day you would come to me and apologize, but that day never came... I've waited years for you to be my friend again, but you left me in the dirt, like I was a piece of trash." I said everything that was on my chest, some of it I didn't even mean to say, I was upset, I felt better saying all those bottled-up feelings... but once I looked at Derek, he looked so guilty, he looked like Casper the ghost. "Earth to Derek." I said pissed. I mean he shouldn't feel sorry for me, because he doesn't care about me like I cared about him. "You still have the friendship bracelet I gave you in elementary?" He asked surprised. "Yes, I do, I hoped that once we had gotten settled in at high school in the 9th grade you would come back and apologize for all the pranks and the bullying you did, but you never did. I always held out hope for you Derek, but now, now I don't know if my heart is strong enough to forgive and forget what you've done to me." I said with tears in my eyes, I looked away from Derek hoping he wouldn't see my tears. I hate crying, it makes me feel weak, I can't look weak around Derek, or he will make fun of me. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry Elizabeth, I just wanted to seem cool around my friends, I didn't want to seem weak around my team, but I never realized how hurt you were, and now I know that you were my only true friend that cared about me, and I pushed you away, I made fun of you because I was jealous that others wanted to be around you and not me. I was always jealous thinking about you being smarter than me, but like the nurse said an hour ago, it's all because I liked you and I still do, but I never knew how to tell you." Derek said sincerely. "Welp you just told me Derek, and I liked you too, but like I said I can't take anymore hurt, I'm already broken, and I've tried to put the pieces back, but they shatter in a million more pieces when you bully me and hurt my feelings just because you were jealous. If you would have come to me I would have forgiven you, but you're too late Derek my heart can't do it, my mind and soul can't take any more of this, I'm sorry Derek I can't love someone that made the storm inside of me grow into something I'm not, and I will never ever take crap from anyone ever again especially you Derek you've caused enough of my hurt, I don't want you to speak to me unless it's an emergency." I know that may seem harsh, but it's the truth, I'm done with everyone bullying me for no apparent reason. My mother finally shows up to the school and takes me to the emergency room to crack my nose back into place and fix my broken wrist as well as my twisted ankle which seems like it's not twisted the muscle snapped in half, So I'm going to have to have surgery on that. Great, just how I wanted my Monday morning to go. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2022 ⏰

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