Needy | JJ Maybank

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Word Count: 1.5 K

I head into the house, greeting Kie, who's lying on the couch. "He's fucked up, girl. Won't stop whining about needing you." She complains and I laugh. anytime JJ isn't feeling well or is upset, he always begs for me. And today is no different.

"Yeah, well, you know how he is. It's just worse when he's sick." She nods and shoos me away to the guest room, presumably so JJ will stop whining about needing me.

I head into the guest room and smile at the sight of my boyfriend curled up on the bed. His blonde hair is messy and he's buried under the covers. He groans as the door closes and peeks out from under the blanket. "Kie, I swear—" he opens his eyes and they immediately light up when he sees me. "Babyyyyyyy. Come here." He throws his arms out dramatically and opens and closes his hands in a "gimme" gesture. I laugh and kick off my shoes, climbing into the bed beside him and moving so I can sit against the headboard. He immediately lays his head on my stomach, getting comfortable as he hugs me around the waist.

I brush his hair back and feel his forehead. As expected, it's burning hot. I grab my phone and shoot a text to John B, who I know is out back, and ask him to bring me a thermometer so I can check JJ's temperature. I know he has a fever, I just need to know how bad and if we need to go to the hospital.

By the time John B comes in to give me the thermometer, JJ has had a hot flash and has shoved all the blankets almost to the floor.

"Is he okay?" John B asks, handing over the device. I shake my head and place the thing in his ear to read his temperature. 101.4 F. Not good.

I look up at John B. "Is that high enough that he should go to the doctor?"

He sighs. "I'll ask Kie to call her mom and we'll see. Until she gets back to us, I'm going to head to the store and get some ginger ale and soup for him to eat, okay?" I nod and grab my wallet, handing him a twenty. He takes it with a silent thank you, knowing twenty dollars is easier for me to give up than him.

"I don't feel good." JJ tells me and crawls to the end of the bed to get the covers again. "And now I'm cold." He mumbles.

"I know you are, handsome. Listen, John B just went to get something for you to eat and drink and Kie is calling her mom. I'm gonna go get a facecloth and run it under cold water for your forehead, okay?" He nods sleepily and I slip out from under him and head to the bathroom.

When I get back, he's still buried under the covers and sleeping lightly. He wakes up as soon as the bed dips, announcing my presence, and cuddles up against me. "I love you." He whispers as I run the facecloth over his cheeks and then place it on his forehead, hoping it will help cool him off.

"I love you, too, handsome. Just relax and let me take care of you, okay?" He nods and places a kiss on my stomach before laying his head against it.

Kie peeks her head into the room, phone in hand. "My mom wants to talk to you." I nod and she hands me off the phone.


"Hey, Y/N. How's he feeling?"

I glance down at JJ and sigh. "He's tired, having hot and cold flashes. His fever is at 101.4. I have a cold facecloth on his forehead while he's sleeping and John B left to get some ginger ale and soup for him."

"Alright. Here's what I'm going to say. I think you should be fine until he hits 102. I don't want you to have to pay doctor bills unless you have to. Keep using the cold face cloth and maybe have him eat some ice chips to keep his temperature down. Has he felt nauseous at all?"

"I'm not sure. JJ?" I run a hand through his hair and gently shake his shoulder to wake him.

"Mm." He mumbles, sleepily opening his eyes. "What's goin' on, baby?"

"Have you felt nauseous?"

He shakes his head. "Just tired and achy. And cold. But then hot." He complains and kicks the covers off again. He strips his shirt off before laying back down. This time, he curls up against my side and buries his face against my neck, his arm curled around my waist. I play with his hair as I talk to Anna about what to do.

"Okay, thank you. I'll let you know if he gets worse." I assure her and hang up, handing the phone back to Kie, who leaves silently so JJ can sleep in peace.

"Cuddlesssssss." He mumbles, burrowing closer to me, if possible, and I giggle softly. This boy is too cute when he's sick. "Don' laugh at me, I no feel good." He whines, lightly biting down on my shoulder to shut me up. I quiet down, knowing he doesn't feel good and needs to sleep, and focus on letting him rest.

. . . . .

I'm on the fourth chapter of my new book when JJ suddenly wakes up and jumps out of the bed. He rips the door open and is down the hall before I even realize what is going on. I hurry out of the room. "JJ?" I call anxiously.

"Here." His hoarse voice calls from down the hallway and I find him in the bathroom, hunched over the toilet. "Oh, baby." I push his hair back from his forehead, and I can tell from a single touch that his fever is higher than before. We need to go to the hospital.

"Okay, JJ, I know you're going to argue with me, but we need to go to the hospital."

He immediately shakes his head. "No way! I don't need to go." He protests before getting sick again. I wet a facecloth and wipe his face and then his mouth.

"You do need to. If you have something, then you need to take some meds so you can get better. I'm going to go grab a shirt and some sweatpants for you, okay?" He's shirtless and only wearing boxers, so he definitely needs to put on something else before we go anywhere.

"Hoodie, too, please." And I smile, because that means he's giving in. He knows all I ever want is what is best for him. I don't care if we'll have a bunch of medical bills to pay after this. I'll get another job and put all of the money towards paying for them to help. My parents love JJ and will pay for the bills, because they know how his dad is. All I'm worried about is his well being.

I help him slowly get dressed, holding his pants for him as he steps into them and grabbing his phone before helping him to my car. He hates being babied like this, but I don't care. Yes, he acts like a baby when it comes to giving me attention, but that's because he loves me and wants to be with me all of the time. Me helping him get dressed and walk? He hates it with a passion.

JJ sleeps on and off the entire ride to the hospital, and in the waiting room while I get him checked in and fill out his paperwork.

They finally get him into a room and hook him up to an IV to give him fluids and work on trying to regulate his temperature. I stay beside him the entire time, holding his hand and making sure he feels okay. He doesn't, but he tries to downplay it for me.

"Can you come cuddle me already?" He whines after a while. "I can't sleep without your cuddles."

I smile and crawl up onto the bed beside him, keeping in mind his IVs and everything that's attached to him. He pulls me in close and lays me so I'm half-on, half-off of him, and we fall asleep like that.

. . . . .

Short, but cute!! Also, I have an idea. I'm thinking of posting a whole Outer Banks fan fiction, with JJ as the main love interest. The plot won't be from the show, but will have all the same characters and a similar dynamic. I haven't started writing yet, but let me know what you think about the idea!!! I hope you all enjoyed it, and make sure to vote and comment! Love y'all, and have an amazing day ❤️

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