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Harry was annoyed, he really wanted to go to this party but Liam and Zayn wouldn't let him. Just because there was going to be alcohol, and it was going to be on the other side of the city, didn't mean he was going to be irresponsible. He knew he couldn't drink and he was not going to. However Liam and Zayn couldn't trust him, like always. It wasn't fair. I mean yes his mom had left those two in charge of him but that didn't mean they could control everything he did. So tonight he was going to sneak out and go to that party.
Later that night when Harry went to bed He changed into a better outfit and crawled under the covers of his bed for when Liam checked on him. An hour later he could hear the other boys going to bed and that's when Harry took his chance. Quickly grabbed his phone and wallet. Something that never left the boys pockets when he went out, and never left the house without out those items. The curly haired boy walked over to the window that was just big enough and began to step out onto one of the small roofs, the same one Louis always sun bathed on. He walked to the end of the roof and jumped off, it wasn't high up. However he fell back from the impact and released a small whimper, that hurt his poor bum.
Walking into the party Harry had the time of his life, he said he wasn't going to drink but that didn't last long when he saw the alcohol. One drink wouldn't be bad at all, right? It was crazy, and he was having the time of his life. He even saw Ed there, he of course asked him if he was allowed to be here, and not wanting to have him tell the boys he lied. Half way through, Harry's phone began to buzz but he ignored it, thinking it was something stupid. He was to busy making out with someone to bother caring about the rest of the world.
After minutes his phone buzzed again, like last time he ignored it. He and the person were already in a room, tearing each other's clothes off.
Meanwhile back home, Zayn was still awake, something Harry didn't know. It was twelve now and he decided to head up to bed. Knowing that he wanted to make sure Harry was asleep and not on his phone he decided to check on the lad. To his surprise when he opened the door he saw nothing but pushed back sheets and no Harry in the room at all.
Zayn huffed angrily, he went to the party didn't he.?
"Liam." Zayn whisper shouted, as he stomped over to the other boys bed.
Zayn pulled Liam up so he was facing him, "Harry isn't in his room!"
"Excuse me? What do you mean, did he go to the party?" Liam asked standing up abruptly.
"Most likely." Zayn was furious, there were reasons he and Liam didn't want him going. "He is in a lot of shit."
Liam and Zayn looked through the house and noted he wasn't there at all. Louis had woken up along with Niall wondering what was wrong. "Wait isn't Ed at that party?" Louis asked. Louis and Niall also asked to go to the party after Ed invited them but just like Harry those two weren't allowed either. They actually listened however.
"Yes that's true." Liam began, "I'll call him."
Getting off the phone Liam was now just as angry as Zayn. "Ed said he saw him there and when he asked him why he was there, he said that Harry told him that he was allowed."
Zayn groaned, "come on Liam, you and I will be going to get that little boy." The two had grabbed shoes and coats and left, leaving Niall and Louis laughed theirs asses off.
"That boy will be in soo much trouble," Niall giggled out.
Back at the party, Harry was still up in the room when he decided he was done, so he walked down stairs with the Person to get some beers. Big mistake. He was chilling in the kitchen goofing around with some of his friends a beer can in his hands when his heart dropped.
"Harry Edward Styles!" A rich Bradford accent came from behind him. "Come here!"
Harry turned around to see Liam with his face covered in disappointment and Zayn with his nose flared and arms crossed. "No." Harry whined, yes he knew it was stupid but he wasn't going down with out a fight, "I'm old enough to make my own decisions."
Liam was walked over now he pulled on Harry's arms, also using his other hand to get rid of the beer can. No that didn't help him at all as the smaller, younger lad wouldn't move. "Harold."
"No." Harry said back.
"Harry, I'm not joking come on, you are going home." Zayn explained in his very scary parent voice. He also was walking over to the two. Harry tried to release his arms from Liam and succeeded but instead accidentally hit him in the face.
"That's enough!" Zayn shouted, he swiftly picked Harry up, setting him on his hip. The green eyed boy wiggling trying to get out of his hold but gave up because Zayn was too strong.
The boy couldn't process much because before he knew it, Zayn had strapped him into his seat in the back of the car and was being driven home. The other two boys not speaking at all, making the ride very long and awkward. With that Harry knew he was in a lot of trouble, his mom was probably going to be called as well, meaning more rules would be made.
The car soon parked in their driveway, after thirty minutes, Harry just huffed. He made no movement of getting out, he was mad and embarrassed. Liam opened the back door. "Harry can you get out of the car now?" Still the boy made no movement. Liam sighed before unbuckling him and hoisting him in his arms.
"What the fuck Liam, you can't do that." Harry complained.
"Harry Edward if I were you I would start to listen now, you didn't get up so Liam is getting you to the house now! And if I were you I would watch that mouth, you know your not allowed to swear!"
The younger lad didn't care at that point, so he stuck out his middle finger. If Louis was allowed to do it so could Harry. Liam gasped at that and swapped Harry's bum, getting a yelp from the boy in Liam's arms.
Liam carried Harry all the way inside,setting him down to get rid of his shoes, through the entrance way, walking harry past a laughing Niall, into the living room and finally the corner. Dropping the boy there, "you stay there until I say you can leave."
Harry huffed, he hated being treated like a child. Although he acted like a misbehaving toddler, so maybe that was why he was treated that way.
Liam walked out of the living area, pulling out his phone. Anne was going to get a little call about how her son snuck out.
"Hello." Comes a voice from the other side of the line.
Liam thinks for a moment, "hello Anne I just wanted to tell you that Harry um sort of snuck out of the house tonight and went to a party we told him he couldn't go to."
"He didn't." Anne groaned. Why couldn't Harry just behave.
"Yeah well um, we don't know what to do with him."
"We'll just take away the rest of his privileges, he isn't mature enough for those anyway."
Liam sighed, he really didn't want to but Harry literally had no maturity at this point.
Meanwhile Harry was still standing in the corner, however he had enough. "Fuck this shit." And just like that Harry started walking off to his room upstairs.
He would have made it there if it wasn't for Louis who had just walked out of his room and bumped into Harry. "What are you doing, I thought you were in time out?"
"U-um," Harry stuttered, "I don't need to be there, I'm not two. Besides I thought you were cool, I don't need three dads."
Louis sighed deeply, "Harry it's one in the morning and if Liam catches you out of the corner you will be in more trouble." Louis grabs Harry's arms and dragged him down stairs. Not without Harry whining of course.
There in the living room is a very pissed off Zayn, makes Harry slowly hide behind Louis. "Harry, did Liam tell you that you could leave the corner?" Questioned Zayn in a dangerously low tone.
"No." Squeaked out Harry. Zayn and Harry were very close, even though he was a parent at times, he and Zayn were really close. (We never really talked my ass) Although when Harry was in trouble, Zayn was scary. After they were back to being buddies.
"Then why did you leave the corner?"
Harry huffed, "because I don't need to be there."
Zayn sighed, "Harry you know we are only doing this for your good, you know you weren't supposed to go to that party and you know the consequences." Zayn's voice was now much softer. Harry started to poke his head out from behind Louis, "besides babe you know your mom told us to look after you, she gave us rules you need to follow and you know you get punishment for not following them."
"Okay, I'm sorry." Harry sighed fully coming out from behind Louis, "do I still have to go to the corner?"
Liam came back into the room a bit later, sitting on the couch, to see Harry in the corner. "Ok Harry, can you come over here now." Harry turned around and practically ran into Liams arms.
"I'm sorry." Harry spoke softly, as he made himself comfortable on Liam's lap.
"It's ok buddy, but you have to promise me that that's not going to happen again. Understood." Harry nodded his head which was now rested in Liam's chest. "However I spoke to Anne and she said that you need some new rules."
"No I don't." Harry argued.
Liam lightly swatted Harry's bum, "no Harry, this is what's happens when you misbehave. Okay it's nothing crazy." Liam's sighed. "From now on you aren't allowed out of the house without one of us boys with you okay?" Harry huffed, he had this rule before but after a while he was trusted to go where he wanted without one of the boys, however now he didn't have that freedom anymore. "Also because someone thinks they can just sneak out of the house, maybe just maybe we need to make sure you are safe in your room from now on mhm." Liam asked, making Harry's face turn red. No not this again.
"No not the monitor, not again!" Harry gasped.
"Well maybe you shouldn't sneak out of the house." Zayn said walking into the room. "But don't worry three weeks of good behaviour and the monitor goes away okay?"
"Okay." Harry mumbled. He would be lying if he said he wasn't getting tired. "Can I sleep with Ni tonight?"
"Well of course you can, cutie." Niall said also walking into the room as well.
Later when Harry was crawled into Niall's bed he sighed. He was kind of lucky that Zayn and Liam and Louis and Niall sometimes too looked after him. He would be in jail without them, and most likely still at that party, drunk too.
Niall slid under the covers, making Harry crawl right up to him kissing his cheek. Something Harry did to all the boys. "Thank you Ni."
"Of course cupcake." He laughed, "I love you."
"Love you too!"
Ok that's the first one :) it's not really the best but Ye know. This one didn't have much Niall it is so the next one will be Narry.
When I use their ship names I do not mean it in any way a relationship. I will use like those names at every chapter so you know what friendship is in it mostly😊

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