Hard day (Narry)

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The one direction boys were busy this week, interviews, management meetings, vocal lessons, and even random mini concerts. This was starting to become normal for the four older boys, however for little Harry it was another story. He was starting to get stressed and with that a lot of annoying things happened. Such as that he was wetting the bed every single day this week. The other boys wouldn't have known about it, if it wasn't for the stupid monitor the boys had installed in his room. He snuck out one time, one time and all of a sudden the boys were watching his every move. Although he wouldn't admit it but he liked being babied by the boys, not
having to clean up his own sheets was actually kind of relieving.
It was currently seven in the morning and the four older boys were already awake getting ready for the interview they had to attend. None of them wanted to wake up Harry just yet, he had a hard night last night and Liam thought it would be nice if he slept a little longer.
By seven thirty Niall was told to go and wake up the still asleep boy. He opened the door to the adorable sight of Harry cuddled up to his stuffed bear, blanket up to his ear and his little face buried in his pillow. "Harry baby, it's time to get up."
Harry blinked his eyes open for a moment before closing them again. "No Ni."
"Mhm no that's not how it's gonna work, we have a interview." Niall sighed pulling the blankets away from Harry. "You can sleep in the car ride if you would like."
"Okay." Harry mumbled before letting Niall pulls him out of bed.
To Niall's words Harry did indeed fall asleep in the car, he was snoring softly in the car with Niall on one side and Zayn on the other. However his peaceful sleep was soon interrupted by the vehicle stopping and the doors being opened. This of course did not amuse Harry and started to whine. Niall picked up on that and threw a arm around the boy and walked beside him all the way into the building.
Harry usually liked interviews but this morning he wasn't feeling it, the lady had a really squeaky voice and wouldn't shut up about their personal life's, and Harry didn't like to talk about his personal life. Especially the bedwetting part.
The interview was half way there when Harry was starting to get a twinge in his bladder, he of course ignored it. Around this time he also took a nap so he started to feel his eyes droop and began to rest his head on Niall who was sitting next to him. And just like that sleep took over him.
The next thing he knew, Harry was back in the break room on the couch and none of the boys were anywhere in sight. Harry saw that his thumb was wedged between his lips and his crotch was oddly yet familiarly wet.
A small whine was let out from Harry as he began to cry out for any of the boys, however none heard him. He couldn't take it at this point and very loud sobs were heard from Harry in the room that was empty except for him.
At this point the only thing Harry could do was get up and find someone one, anyone he knew to help with his well situation.
Stumbling out of the room Harry fell flat on his stomach when he tripped on a non existent object.  That's when Harry lost it and the tears just poured out, his wails very loud.
Niall happened to just come around the corner at that moment to see the sad sight of Harry lying in the floor his face bright red from the tears. "Oh Harry bear." Niall exclaimed coming over to Harry and bending over slowly lifting him to a sitting position, "what happened?"
Harry whined, he could trust Niall of course he could he just very embarrassed. "Mm wet.." he mumbled.
"Oh that's alright kitten, nothing we can't fix." Niall smiled softly and helped Harry stand up.
Guiding Harry to a bathroom he helped him out of his jeans and boxers. He also wiped Harry up, keeping in mind to make sure he has a bath after when they get home. Sure enough Harry was all cleaned up and was clinging to Niall as he told him what had happened. "Baby it's not your fault, it's okay we all have those moments."
Harry looked up at Niall, "really?"
Niall chuckled, Harry acted so young at times it was adorable. "Of course! Remember the time I hid out of random at that concert?" Harry just simply nodded his head, "well it's because I ripped my pants from bending over."
Laughter was soon heard from his voice and it was so heartwarming to see that the young lad was happy again. Even if it was at Niall.
And just like that the boys were all in the car ready to go home. The other three were told about the accident and everything was completely normal once again. Niall had a passed out Harry in his lap and the other three boys were chatting about random stuff.
"You know I still don't know how Harry managed to fall asleep in that interview." Liam joked.
Louis laughed lowly, "yeah I don't either we didn't even wake him up either."
The boys began to chuckle at how adorable it was and that the media would really like it when it was out by tomorrow. "I'm just happy he is alright now." Zayn said. And of course the others agreed.
Niall had to wake Harry up after the right home but he soon passed out again in his bed two minutes later. His thumb had also found its way to his mouth, and started to suckle on it gently.
Niall knew Harry was going through some stress at the moment and he knew that Harry would be alright.

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