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[ main character is Ada, 15 y.o. (almost 16), Bella swans younger sister. the beginning takes place two months after Bella and ada have moved to forks. ]

from my room, I could see Jacob and Bella talking outside as dad and Billy came inside. It looked cloudy and gloomy outside, like it always did. for such a clumsy shut-in, Bella seemed to have no problem making and keeping friends, even over such a long period of time.

I was uninterested. I didn't even want to move here. I didn't want much of anything, just sleep and alone time. I didn't get enough alone time in phoenixville, but my dad is much more protective with me than my mom ever was. he knows too much about my situation and he doesn't care much for the lassiez-faire approach my mom utilizes. he's a hawk. 

I plopped down on my bed and slid under my comforter. the initial chill faded as my heat began to reflect onto the sheets then back against my skin. 

I wasn't alone for long. there was a cautious knock on my door. I didn't answer, but still, the door opened and Jacob stepped in alone. 

"hey, Ade," he said gently. he closed the door behind him and took a few steps in. 

"they let you in the house now?" I said half-jokingly. his smile showed some relief. 

"how have you been?" he asked, sticking his hands awkwardly in his front pants pockets. 

I sat up a bit in my bed and offered a shrug. "you know. okay, I guess. what about you? it's been a while."

"it's not like I haven't been asking for you," he said with a playful tone but did show some disappointment. "you've been here for like two months and I haven't seen you at all."

I nodded, dropping my gaze to the hands in my lap that looked a lot like mine. they were cold, pale and dry at the knuckles. "yeah, I'm sorry."

he took a few steps closer and sat at the edge of my bed. "it's okay."

there was a moment of silence between us that I didn't want to be the one to break. this I held to stubbornly as the seconds got longer and longer.

"can I give you my number?" he asked, leaning his elbows on his knees. he looked over his shoulder at me.

"sure, yeah," I shrugged. I took my phone from the bedside table, pulled up 'add a contact', and handed it to him. 

after pressing some buttons with full attention, he handed it back to me. the screen open now was a text to him saying, "hey sexy :~)"

"very funny," I said with a soft laugh. 

"you can text me whenever," he said, sitting up straight now. "I'm always around, and I love to go to the movies. like, all the time. literally whenever."

I offered a smile, the best I could manage. "that sounds nice. remember when we saw the sponge bob movie? you ate like an adult sized popcorn all to yourself. my dad still mentions that sometimes."

he laughed. "yeah I was kind of a fatty."

"you shaped up nice," I said, running my hands through my hair. it was a little tangled but not too terrible.

"what can I say?" he grinned. "do you wanna join us downstairs? the game's on and my dad made chips and dip." he sighed with effort as he rose to his feet. 

I looked at my closed door and shrugged. "maybe in a bit."

he nodded and stepped towards the door. "it's really good stuff. I'll try not to eat it all before you can get to it."

I smiled and he stepped out of the room. after a moment, the muscles in my face relaxed completely and I settled back into bed. I closed my heavy eyelids and imagined the life I could make for myself here. one with friends, decent grades, new art projects, maybe even stronger relationships with my family. 

I must have been drifting off to sleep but had woken up to the sound of my phone vibrating. I picked it up and looked at the new message.

Jacob: dip's almost gone!

I put my phone down and curled up under my blankets, eventually giving in to sleep. 

over and over [Jacob black x OC] [[complete]] ..twilight..Where stories live. Discover now