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for some reason, I was particularly weepy on Wednesday all throughout the school day. I took at least five trips to the bathroom just to hide my face and cry alone. I couldn't tell if I had taken too much sleeping medicine the night before and spent the day with some side effects or if my period was coming soon, but it was really a rough day. I walked out in the second half of my last class, math. the teacher didn't even look up.

I sat in the bed of Bella's car, shivering, waiting for her to come out and drive me home. i texted Jacob and asked if we could hang out tonight. he said he was having some friends over and wouldn't mind if I could come too. I watched some cars drive by on the road.

in the trees across the street, I saw a flash and the branches all shook in one spot as if a large animal had brushed through them. I watched attentively, hoping and praying I wasn't about to be stalked by a bear. I couldn't remember which type of bear you make a lot of noise at and which bear you play dead for. I thought I saw something bright red, a fox maybe, but I couldn't make it out. I have bad vision.

"hey, girl! what are you-"

"ahh!" I screamed, jumping up to my feet in the trunk bed. Alice looked up at me, surprised, her mouth hanging open and eyes wide.

"oh my god, I'm sorry," she said, holding her hands up. "I didn't mean to scare you!"

my hand was flat against my chest as I breathed and tried to calm down. "holy shit," I sighed. "hi Alice."

"I'm sorry," she said gently, motioning for me to sit back down. I did. she hopped in the truck beside me and gave my arm a squeeze. "are you okay?"

I nodded.

she looked over her shoulder, where I was just watching for a bear.

"did you see something, too? was it a fox?" I asked, regaining my composure.

she looked nervous and I could tell she was lying. "yeah, I did. I think it was a fox."

I couldn't understand why she would lie about that... maybe to make me feel better.

"what are you doing out here?" she asked, folding her legs to sit criss-cross.

"um, I'm waiting for Bella. I left my last class early," I admitted sheepishly. "it's been a rough day."

"oh, I'm sorry, sweetie," she said, placing a hand on my knee. "did something happen?"

I shook my head. "no... I don't know why I feel like this."

she nodded. "my boyfriend gets like that sometimes. have you met him? jasper?"

"no, I don't think so..." I said, trying to remember.

"I think you'd like him," she said with a sweet little smile. "my emotional boy. but, hey, if you ever need anything, or if you wanna hang out or something like that, i'd love that. I think we could be really good friends."

I've never had someone say something like that to me before. it felt strange, as if she had some unclear motive for being my friend. I can't imagine what that would be. maybe I was just being an idiot and I didn't know how to make new friends.

I nodded. "I'd really like that," I said, as students began to come out to their cars and climb into yellow buses.

"I should go find jasper so we can get home," Alice said, standing up and hopping over the side of the truck. "I hope your day gets better."

"thank you," I said quietly. "I'll see you."

after a little while, Bella and Edward came over to the car. I jumped out of the truck bed and waited at the back door.

over and over [Jacob black x OC] [[complete]] ..twilight..Where stories live. Discover now