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she walked towards me again, slowly this time. when she kissed me, I softened in her hands and almost wanted her to have her way. with each gentle kiss, each brush of her lips and lick from her tongue, I began to let go of the pain I was carrying for so long. I wanted to open myself to her and allow someone else to decide how this would end. I almost wanted her to delay my death just long enough for us to engage in this romance for hours. it wasn't real romance, of course, but it felt like it. I didn't mind pretending, it all felt the same.

"we can make this last," she said, whispering into my ear. tingles spread from that point to the rest of my body. she kissed me passionately and began to trail again from my lips, to my chin, to my neck, then to my breasts. she pushed my tank top down and exposed my chest, which she began to kiss. her eyes were hypnotizing me as she continued. I felt a hand brush by my thighs, up the leg of my shorts and between my legs. nothing was with me except for that moment. no worry, no awareness, nothing, just the sensation. I melted into her and we crashed into the forest floor, touching and kissing and moaning. she trailed my stomach with kisses, then my clothes were just gone, even my shoes. she kissed between my legs, watching me with cool eyes as I squirmed and moaned with her touch.

"I missed this," she said with glossy lips, inserting two fingers in and out of me. "vampires don't get wet like this."

when she went back to work with her mouth on my clit, I gasped and clenched my fingers through her hair with one hand. I held her there as I climaxed. she looked pleased with herself. she climbed on top of me and I realized she was naked, herself. after I came, I began to feel the reality of the situation again, as if her spell was wearing off. I think she saw the fear in my eyes.

"shh," she whispered, leaning in to kiss me. I flinched and moved away as fast as I could, scrambling onto my hands and feet. we were both standing now and she turned me around to face her. "where are you going?"

her eyes looked genuinely sad. "you have to die here tonight," she said simply. "it will be just fine."

my lip quivered and I felt like I was going to cry. "I have to stay, for Bella..."

"Bella's only going to come right after you, sweetie," she said gently, moving towards me. I stumbled backwards and she stopped herself. "don't be like that..."

I shook my head. "if you just kill me, however you want, please... just don't kill Bella. you can do whatever you want to me."

she smirked. "I was hoping you'd say that."

the horror began to set in, but I wanted to stay strong. she backed me against a tree again and pressed into me, cold to the touch. her slender body was one to be envied. she embraced me with stony arms and kissed and licked at my neck. suddenly, I felt a sharp sensation and it rapidly began to burn worse than fire. I screamed, squeezing my eyes shut, and she clamped a hand over my mouth. I tried to drop to the ground but she pinned me there against the tree, sinking in more.

"don't worry," she said into my ear, getting blood on the side of my face. "we can make this last."

she kissed my mouth and I could taste my own blood. it made me feel sick. she trailed back down to the bite on my neck and I could feel her sucking the blood out of me. my knees felt weak and my head felt woozy.

suddenly, she stopped and looked over her shoulder. I could barely hold my eyes open much longer. she turned away from me and I fell to the ground beneath the tree. I watched as her head turned from side to side, frantically looking around the forest. and, with a great dark blur, she disappeared down the side of the hill. I could hear awful growling noises, the sounds of large, heavy feet pounding against the forest floor, and she was screaming as loud as a person could possibly scream. there were awful cracking noises and something was breaking as another thing growled and snarled viciously. my eyes were closed now, I couldn't pry them open if I tried. the heavy, soothing blanket of death was laid over me and the terrible fire in my neck was smoldering.

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