130 (LNTWDC)

219 10 2

Late night thoughts with DubChaeng

Dahyun: Hello, girls, gays, and theys. Welcome to your favorite podcast Late Night Thoughts with DubChaeng. At least I hope it's your favorite

Chaeyoung: It has to be. It's free and who doesn't love free stuff?

Dahyun: You'd be insane not to

Chaeyoung: Let's gooooo

Chaeyoung: That fork in a restaurant, has been in probably like a thousand other mouths. Kinda gross when you think about

Dahyun: That's so disgusting, blegh

Dahyun: I feel like..the ghost of bugs haunt us. That's why it feels like bugs crawling on you when there's nothing there

Chaeyoung: *scratching her arm* Phantom bugs

Chaeyoung: Someone five foot can really say they're five subway sandwiches long

Dahyun: That's literally you, bro *laughs*

Chaeyoung: *laugher harder* Sh-Shut the fck up

Dahyun: Nah nah but for real tho

Chaeyoung: Bro...😒

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