145 (LNTWDC)

198 11 10

Late night thoughts with DubChaeng

Dahyun: Wow I feel like I haven't heard from you guys in foreverrrr

Chaeyoung: Isn't it the other way around? Since they're the ones listening to us

Dahyun: You're right, you're right

Chaeyoung: Always

Dahyun: So the most hated holiday for lonely people is coming up real soon

Chaeyoung: Oh man

Dahyun: That's right

DubChaeng: Valentine's Day

Dahyun: And that means either you're with someone or ya not

Chaeyoung: Orrrrr you could happily spend it with friends

Dahyun: That's what sad lonely people would say, Chaeng

Chaeyoung: YOU'RE just saying that because you have Sana

Dahyun: You should just straight tell it to her face, dude

Chaeyoung: Nah man. That would scare her off

Dahyun: Sana got me into a corner and said it just like that. And look where we are

Chaeyoung: *sigh*

Dahyun: You should ask her what she's doing on that day. And if she says 'nothing' then suggest that you two go out

Chaeyoung: You make it seem sooo easy when it's Mina we're talking about

Dahyun: You think she listens to our podcast?

Chaeyoung: Oh god I hope not

Dahyun: The others say they do from time to time

Chaeyoung: If she does, that means she either doesn't want to address it or she's THAT clueless

Dahyun: I'm sorry for your struggle, bro

Chaeyoung: Can I get a F in the chat?

Dahyun: F

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