I love you...

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No one POV

Many weeks has past as the family settle in Seoul. Jennette was going to school,Yong and Kai were finally dating and as for Hera, Lin and Raven. They were spending more time with the family. One day Jennette was walking to a store to pick up a cake. Suddenly she walk past a familiar girl who she thought she knew.

Jennette stare at the girl for an minute before realizing she was the person who reincarnated as Athanasia! Jennette was about to cross the street until she saw the girl carrying an book

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Jennette stare at the girl for an minute before realizing she was the person who reincarnated as Athanasia! Jennette was about to cross the street until she saw the girl carrying an book.Jennette stood on the street looking at the girl.
"Doesn't she wake up as Athanasia?" Jennette ask out loud staring at the girl. She sigh and as she turn, a car coming towards her. Jennette eyes widen as she drop the cake and tired to run towards the cement. Sadly she was to late, the car hit her making her fall down on the street.

Yong POV
I was cooking in the kitchen humming until I saw Hera coming out her room. She sat down on the couch and stare at me.
"Where's Jennette?" She ask as I stop chopping the ingredients.
"She went to get the cake." I replied as Hera nodded and turn on the TV.
"It looks like there has been a accident by the Lovely Lovely Cake store!" A reporter shouted making me walking into the living room and sat down next to Hera.
"It looks like the girl that's had been hit and is being send to the hospital...poor girl..." he said and finally it showed Jennette and the ambulance.

No one POV
When Yong saw this he immediately stood up and took off the apron. Hera ran inside her room grabbing the car keys. They ran inside the car and drive towards the hospital the ambulance was heading. Yong pick up his phone and dial Kai's number. The phone ring for an minute before it was pick up.
"Kai meet us at Xuli hospital! Jennette got into an accident!" By hearing his voice crack Hera knew he was scared.

Jennette POV
I slowly open my eyes to see a boy with white hair and red eyes. I slowly got up confuse because I remember getting hit by a car. I didn't know why I was still alive. The white hair boy look at me as tears roll down his eyes. I was about to say something until the door flew open. It was a person I've never meet. She had blonde hair and red eyes with a fancy dress on.
"I see your awake..." she said staring at me before looking at the white hair boy. She smile and walk towards him making him glare at her.
"My son,Asil,why don't you give mother a hug?" She ask making a creepy face. It made me flinch because she look ridiculous.

 It made me flinch because she look ridiculous

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When he said this I was shock.
"You...!" She shouted at him and as she was about to lift her hand. I got up and slap her making her fall down on the floor. I was shock why I did it but I just stood there glaring at her.
"YOU BITCH!" She stood up and as she was about to slap me.
"Who do you think you're about to touch." A deep voice made me stare at it. It was Lucas! Why was he here!

The girl started shaking as Lucas lifted his hand and casts a spell

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The girl started shaking as Lucas lifted his hand and casts a spell. In a sec the girl disappear in front of me. I stare at Lucas before laughing.
"You look weird with those huge earring!" I shouted as he came up to me.
"Your the one who pick it out for me." He said making me stop.
"Mom,dad" Asil shouted making me startle.
"When did we get married?" I ask as Lucas stare at me confuse.
"I'm having a huge headache and I feel like I'm slowly forgetting everything..." I said as he look at Asil. Asil just stood there before nodding and walk out the room.
"You think you could escape me,honey." This made me shock. "Erasing my memories and telling me to be happy with Athanasia...my my, you naughty kitten." Before I could say anything I was pin down on the bed and got fucked all night.
(I'm sorry😭🤣😂)

Years later they got together and went back to the modern world

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Years later they got together and went back to the modern world. Jennette give birth to their baby son. Lucas became a CEO of an company. Yong and Kai got married. Athanasia became crown princess and Ijekiel he was now spending time with Athanasia.Also no one has heard of the family in years.

Also no one has heard of the family in years

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Lucas and Jennette son as an adult


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