Where are you?

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Lucas POV
I tried making her face me but she was obviously avoiding me. I pull her close to my chest and pat her head.

 I pull her close to my chest and pat her head

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His face when she avoid him

"Who made you upset?" I ask as I look at her eyes. She was staring at Athanasia. I look at Athanasia and she looked upset. My heart ache for some reason. Do I really have feelings for Athanasia?  When I look back at Jennette I saw her staring up at me. I could tell be the look of her eyes she was asking if I wanted to go to Athanasia. I did,but I guess before I knew it I let go of her and went to Athanasia. When I reach her...I look behind me to see Jennette gone. I panic and look around the room. When I finally saw her with Jin,Alex,and Xiao. She was telling them something that made them shock. Then she look behind towards me as our eyes met. She smile at me before looking back at them. I stare at Athanasia as Ijekiel came.
When they're done talking
I was about to go to Jennette until I couldn't find her. Jin came up to me and had a upset face.
"Jennette told me that you no longer need to see her. She won't be coming here anymore. Here." He explain as he give me the ring that Jennette was wearing. "She also said thank you for the time you guys spent." And like that,Jin walk away. This time my heart felt like my whole world was gone. I didn't know why I was feeling like this.
5 years later
I still haven't seen Jennette these past years. I would go to the places we visited wishing she was there.Today I decided to go to a bakery shop. When I walk in I felt a familiar mana.When I look up she was there. I ran towards her and pull her wrist and walk somewhere.

When we reach somewhere where they're was only us

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When we reach somewhere where they're was only us.I stare at her with my most angry face making her flinch.
Jennette POV
Why was he was mad at me? I didn't understand at all. I move my hand away and as I was about to leave.
"If you dare leave,I'LL.LOCK.YOU.UP." As he said this my heart drop.
"Why are you acting like this?" I ask confuse hoping to get an answer.
" why did you leave me." He said as I just stare at him.
"I wanted you to be happy with Athanasia. You seem really happy with her."
"..." I stare at him for some minutes before walking away. Suddenly I started to feel dizzy. After that I was conscious.

I woke up in a room,where there were books,papers,and tool. I realize I was sleeping on a couch. As I got up I heard a chain sound. I look down at my feet to see myself chain. Them the door open revealing Lucas .
"I warn you..."
"I don't love her." With these words I sat down on the couch putting my hands on my head.
"I should have never came here..." I murmur and I could see it was loud enough for Lucas to hear.
"You hate me that much?" He ask as I shook my head.
"Why then?" He ask as I sigh.
"I'm not pretty nor beautiful."
"To me you are."
"I'm native and attention seeker."
"That's okay,I'll always pay attention towards you. If your native then I can teach you,not to be."
"I...I'm spoil..."
"I'll spoil you as much as you want."
"...I'm rude.."
"I can deal with the rudeness."
"I'll hurt you."
"Since when did your words hurt me?" He smirk as I begin to stare at him with doubtful eyes.
"I'm weak."
"I'm willing to protect you." Does this boy know when to give up?
"I'll distract you from your work..."
"You're more important than work." I blush as the words but I will not give up on beating him!
"I hate being chain."
"I remember you saying you wanted a lover that chains you,if you ever run away."
Flashback when they were in the room
No one POV
Jennette look at her ring then back at Lucas.
"What's your type?" She ask as he stare at her.
"A girl who's caring,sweet and can get along with anyone."
"I just want a lover who's obsessed with me,like when I tried to run away or leave him. He would chain me and I want to be chain by my lover if I ever try to run away. I don't know why but it's hot." Jennette was obviously joking but for Lucas,he stared at her like he's looking at an idiot and believe her words.
End of flashback
No one POV still
Jennette was silent. She look at him then down at her feet before blushing like a tomato.
"I can't believe I said that!" She shouted making Lucas startle yet smile. Jennette stare at Lucas,when she was told by her dad that Lucas and Athanasia ends up together in the future she didn't understand why he was going after her. She just wanted to tease Athanasia and Lucas a little. She didn't plan on ruining the ship. There was a moment of silent in the room before there was a sob.

Her hair is still white

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Her hair is still white

"Lucas...!" Jennette cried out making him startle. He rush towards her side,hugging her. She shed so many tears that it was painful for Lucas to hear. While that was happening Jennette was in a fight with her thoughts.
Why are you so useless!  Why do you have to be annoying and native. Can't you be better and prettier. You're nothing but a mistake. You were only born to be use! You aren't beautiful,kind and you don't have a kind heart at all! You hurt people's feelings! You are hated by your own father! You stole someone else father! You were the reason why Athanasia died!Your the reason why your mother died. You're an worthless piece of trash. I.HATE.YOU.

So many negative thoughts made her bit her nails and squeeze them together tight causing them to bleed because of the cuts. Lucas didn't notice anything at all until he pull away when Jennette stop crying and screaming after 25 minutes. He look down to see her hand bleeding and the corner of her lip bleed. He stood up and ran to get bandages. When he came back he immediately wrap them around Jennette's hand. Jennette stare down at her hands and started to shake.

Her eyes widen and stare at Lucas then at her hand

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Her eyes widen and stare at Lucas then at her hand.

I'm sorry,if it doesn't make sense just pretend it does also the ART DOES NOT BELONG TO ME,it belongs to the original owner. I'm having trouble writing and if you have a suggestion,please,feel free to tell me

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