Friends forever

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Hi If your seeing this it might be on a Monday or Wednesday so sorry for the three day break but it's a long chapter so here it is(Btw it's only 2000 words because I gotta do chores today soo sorry if it's too short.)

The isle of armour

" I think I choose squirtle, sorry bulbasaur I hope you don't hate me."said Chloe."Bulba" bulbasaur said."I think bulbasaur is fine with you not picking it."goh said and both Ash and Chloe agrees with him."Hey ummm, Ms.honey? Do you think I could get bulbasaur?"Goh asked politely."Well I guess you could but it's up to bulbasaur, what do you say sweetie?"Honey asked the small pokemon."bulba bulbs!" bulbasaur nodded and went to goh immediately. "Oh, I forgot to mention that squirtle and bulbasaur can gigantamax when they are fully evolved."Honey said."That soo cool!"Goh and Ash said." Don't think we didn't get you something Ash."Said mustard."You got me something too? "Ash asked mustard."Why yes , but you must Finnish 3 of my trials and then I will give it to you."said mustard, and when ash heard this he was hyped."The first trial is.......(He took three pokeballs out and released thee slowpokes)........Chase after these three and bring them back by 1 o'clock." The three of them was soo confuse when he said that but then........

Then suddenly the three slowpoke burst outta the door and They were shocked to see a slowpoke that fast but Ash just ran after them and knowing he won't be able to keep up with the slowpokes he brings out charizard

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Then suddenly the three slowpoke burst outta the door and They were shocked to see a slowpoke that fast but Ash just ran after them and knowing he won't be able to keep up with the slowpokes he brings out charizard."Hey Charizard , could you catch up with one of the slowpokes? If you could then can you give me a ride?"Charizard nodded and Ash hoped on charizards back.Goh and Chloe wanted to help Ash but honey told them to stay at the dojo for now and relax, she knows that ash could handle the situation.(I'm not gonna show how ash cought up to the slowpokes and defeated them because it gets boring.)

30 minutes later

Ash returned to the dojo with the three slowpokes exhausted."I brought them wasn't easy at all......these three were so fast......"Said ash."Ash your back! Are you ok? Do you need water?"Chloe asked."Ya I need water..... thank you Chloe...."Said ash.Chloe then head to the kitchen to grab a glass of water."Wow ash, I didn't think you'd actually do it."goh said and then mustard said"So are you ready for your next trial?"mustard asked. "Of course I am!"then Chloe came back with a glass of water, "Since everyone in the dojo haven't eaten yet...... your next trial will be finding max mushrooms."Said mustard."But max mushrooms are very hard to find, so it'll take you a while"said mustard."Ash are you sure you can do it all by yourself? I mean you just got back."" I'm fine, plus I still have tons of energy!"Ash said."Ash I'm coming with you this time ok? I don't trust you alone in out there."Ash nodded and mustard told them where they could find the mushrooms , they could be found in caves and forest but it's really hard to find because max mushrooms can't be grown, they can only be grown when there is enough energy around the place to grow ( I made this up because I don't really know why they are hard to find).Ash and Chloe went to the forest to find the mushrooms and Goh went to catch more Pokemon in the wild area. "So Chloe, where do you think they could be?" "i don't know, they could be anywhere."then Ash had an Idea , I sent out greninja and asked him to find some mushrooms with swirls on top.(I forgot to mention but mustard told them what they looked like and how many they need)"Hey buddy? Could you go with greninja? If greninja is in trouble you could be back up."ash asked his day one partner.pikachu agreed and ran off with greninja.And while walking Pikachu found ash and Chloe and told them that him and greninja found two max mushrooms so they followed the electric mouse and thanked him and greninja for finding it. Now they only need one more and they came across a pokemon that was on top of s max mushroom. "Hey wait a minute, isn't that........"Ash pulled out his rotom phone and the rotom phone said"Drakloak , a dragon and ghost type.Drakloak is capable of flying faster than 120 mph. It battles alongside Freely and dotes on them until they successfully evolve." "i knew it! Drakloak evolves into dragapult, no wonder why it's so familiar." "it looks like it's sleeping"Chloe said. So they went towards drakloak and it looked like the dreepy ontop of drakloak was falling down so ash cought it before it hit the ground."aww, look at this thing, it's soo cute!"chloe said. Then drakloak started to wake up and it couldn't find dreepy so it took Pikachu and put him on its head.Ash giggled and said "Hey drakloak, if your wondering where dreepy is , he's in my arms here." Ash gave dreepy to drakloak and took Pikachu in return, Pikachu climbed back onto Ash's shoulder.Drakloak was thankful that ash returned dreepy to him and he gave Ash the mushroom.Ash and Chloe thanked drakloak for giving them the mushroom and Ash asked drakloak a question."Hey drakloak?What do you say you and dreepy come with me on a journey and become stronger huh? I really need a very strong dragon type and I think your the one , so what do you say? Wanna come?"Drakloak was soo happy that ash wanted him to join his team and it started to fly around in circles around Ash. Ash knew that it wanted to come with him after seeing him react like that so ash brought out a pokeball and threw it towards drakloak and it sucked drakloak up and it shook once,then twice,then it shook a third time and after some time stars popped out of the pokeball.After that they returned to the dojo for Ash's final trial. When they got back they saw a certain someone that Ash knew, it was Gary!"Gary? What are you doing here?"Ash asked his first rival."Ash? It's good to see you again! How have you been?"Gary asked. " I've been doing well. So what are you doing here on the island of armour?"Ash asked. " I'm came here to study about more of the galarian slowpokes, you see the slowpokes on kanto are water and physcic type, but the galarian forms are pure physcic.And not only that, I found out that galarian slowbro is different from kantonian slowbro too."Gary said."What makes the slowbro here different than kantos?"Ash asked. "you see, galarian slowbro has the shelder on its hand instead of the tail"gary said. "Wonder what happens if the shelder bit it's tail and not the hand...."Chloe wonderded. "I didn't noticed you there, may I know who you are?"Gary asked. "Oh yeah I forgot to mention, this is Chloe Cerise, she's my girlfriend, We're here with goh too but you know him, catching pokemon."said ash. Gary was surprised that ash is in a relationship, he didn't think ash would find himself a girl because of how dense he is."Well it's nice too meet you."gary said. "Nice to meet you too, I heard alot about you from ash and I'm surprised you lost to him in the jotoh league since you had more experience than him back then."chloe said."You had to mentioned that to her huh?""Now now, let's not waste time ash , it's time for your final trial."said mustard."So what's the final trial?""the final trial is.........A battle with me!"said mustard." Alright! A battle, I've been it waiting for a battle all day!"Ash said."Good luck in your battle Ash, I'm gonna go do some more research."Gary said ."if that's the case then, see you soon ok?"said ash." Of course."Before Gary left they first bumped and Ash was getting ready for his battle.They went outside for the battle "Klara , will you be the judge of the battle?"Mustard asked kalara, and she adreed."This battle is a three on three battle, will the challenger sent out your Pokémon?" in Klara said.
" Lucario I choose you!"Ash brought out lucario." It's battle time luxray."Mustard brought out luxray."You can get the first move if you'd like."said mustard."Ok then , lucario aura sphere!"Lucario shot out a aura sphere."Use thunder to counter it!"Luxray used thunder to counter the aura sphere and when to two moves hit , there was smoke anywhere. Lucario couldn't see anything so Ash told him to keep his guard up, luxray could see just find because of its eyes."Luxray use thunder fang!"Luxray charged at lucario but Ash knew he would go in for an attack while lucario couldn't see."Lucario shoot an aura sphere above you!"When everyone heard this they were confused but they will soon know why ash did what he did. "take two steps behind you!"Said ash. Lucario took two steps behind him and suddenly Luxray appeared, he was about to use thunder fang on lucario but suddenly the aura sphere hits luxray, when the smoke cleared they saw Luxray on the ground but wasn't knocked out."Can you still battle Luxray?" Luxray got up and nodded."Then Luxray use crunch!"" Dodge and use force palm!"Lucario Dodge the crunch and force palmed Luxray and hard as he can and Luxray fainted."Luxray is unable to battle, please send out you next Pokemon." Mustard then brought out a pokeball and the Pokemon that came out is.........

Ok I think that's enough for today and I tried my best to write a 3000 word chapter but I literally couldn't sleep last night so now I'm very tired so I'm very sorry, the title of the next chapter is called "Friends forever PT.2"i think I should sleep now so Adiós.

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