The battle of the tower

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Hey guys I'm back and I'm not sure if I could post everyday because of my works and stuff so yeah but I'm still gonna try my best and upload when I get a chance to.

“So this is the tower of water huh?”Said ash.“ should we head in now?”goh asked.
“I think we should and it's getting dark so let's Finnish this up.”said Chloe. The three of them went in the tower and they saw a guy standing in front of a door.
“Sorry sir but you can only use the kubfu
That master mustard gave you. So you'll need to leave your Pokemon at the dojo or let one of your friends hold them.” the man said.“oh um, could you hold Pikachu and the rest of my Pokemon for me cupcake?”ash asked Chloe. “ Sure.”Chloe took Pikachu and the rest of Ash's Pokemon (Thier in their Pokeballs btw).“good, now please walk through this door and face your first opponent.”
The man said.“ so your my first opponent huh?”Said the girl.“sure am! Come on out kubfu!”Ash called out kubfu.“ let's go starmie!” the girl brought out starmie.“ I'll have the first move! Kubfu use mega kick!” kubfu used mega kick and starmie didn't took it that well.“ starmie use water gun!” starmie used water gun.“Jump as high as you can kubfu.”Kubfu jumped high enough to dodge the water gun.“use mega speed while you're at the air!”Kubfu did what ash said and hit hard and starmie fainted.“What?! Just in two hits?! That's unbelievable!ugh, go up the stairs and walk through the door and there will be your next opponent.”the girl said in disbelief. The three of them went upstairs and walked through the door and they saw a guy standing in the room.
“You ready to loose?”the guy asked. “ your a cocky one aren't you? Alright kubfu, ready to have some fun?”kubfu gave ash a thumbs up and front flips in the battle field.“ Alright poliwag let's do this!” he sent out poliwag and demanded poliwag to use tackle but kubfu easily dodged it,“ alright let's finish this and use
Round!” kubfu used round and critical hit poliwag and made it faint.“ What?! One hit?! Ugh it's fine come on out politoad!” the man sent out politoad. “ let's start This of with hydro pump!” “ dodge it!” kubfu tried to dodge but he wasn't fast enough to dodge the attack.“ are you ok kubfu?” kubfu got up and nodded.“ way to go! I knew you could handle that! Alright kubfu use mega kick.”kubfu used maga kick and politoad wasn't looking good.“ look's like it can't move, use round kubfu!”kubfu used round and knocked politoad out.

Ok so ash beat the rest of his opponents and he made his way up to mustard.( I am a very lazy guy so don't judge me)〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜

“ so you have made it to the final battle huh?” Said mustard. “ Yeah! Those guys were easy to get through but I think I'm able to beat you too.” said ash. “ Alright kubfu ready to battle?” ash asked. Kubfu smiled and went to the battle field.“ Then so be it, kubfu come on out.” mustard brought out kubfu. “ you can have the first move!” ash said. “ Very well then, kubfu use mega kick.”“ alrighty then, kubfu you use mega kick too!” the two moves hit.“ kubfu use rock smash!” ash said. “ rock smash now!” said mustard. The two attacks hit and just like last time neither of them got hurt.“ I didn't expect them to use the same move and not get hurt.” said goh.“ ya, I just really want ash to win.”said Chloe.“kubfu use round!” mustard told his kubfu to use round.“ then let's change things up and use mega kick!” round didn't did alot but it still Did damage to Ash's kubfu. Ash's kubfu got up quickly and used mega kick on (M)Kubfu. It dealt more damage but (M) kubfu managed to get up.“ Rock smash now kubfu!” said mustard. “ dodge and use round!” (A) kubfu Dodge the rock smash and used round. “ can you get up kubfu? ” kubfu struggles to get up but eventually he got up and rushed towards (A) kubfu and started to punch him but (A ) kubfu Dodge all the punches and kicked (M) kubfu. (M)kubfu fell down and couldn't get up.“ let's wrap this up and use mega kick!” kubfu used mega kick on (M) Kubfu. (M) kubfu fainted. “ Yes! We did it Kubfu!” “ He Did it! He actually did it!” Chloe was very impressed. Soon mustard showed ash a big scroll hanging on the wall and asked him to show kubfu the scroll.“ Wait a minute, you want me to show kubfu this?” ash asked. “ why yes, if you show kubfu the scroll..... something amazing will happen.” said mustard.Ash said ok and brought out kubfu and showed him the scroll and suddenly kubfu started to glow.“ Wait, is he evolving?!” goh asked I. Shock.“ Yes, now watch and see.” mustard said. After a while Urshifu was standing Infront of ash.“ So kubfu evolves into Urshifu?!” ash asked. “ that is correct.” “ wait a minute, why does Urshifu looks different from the one that you had?” ash asked. “ Well that's because Urshifu has two forms. Urshifu have a single strike form and the one that you have is a rapid strike form.” mustard explained to ash.

“Urshifu huh?Look at you! You look so strong!” ash said excitedly

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“Urshifu huh?Look at you! You look so strong!” ash said excitedly. Ash knew that him and Urshifu would become great friends and they would win lots and lots of battles since.

I'm sorry for not been posting these few days because I'm busy with work so I'm sorry. The title of the next chapter is called “ The date” I'm really sorry that this chapter isn't that long but I have work to do and I don't really have much time to relax either so I'll make sure “the date” will have 2000 words but don't expect me to post soon but I'm gonna post “Doing what's right”next.

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