Chapter 8-

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"They're not just walkers. There are people wearing walkers' skin as masks amongst the herd. They're dressed up as walkers. They control the herd, that's how they're following us." You explained.

You turned away from the group and took in a deep shaky breath, trying to calm yourself down because you could feel yourself starting to panic. You couldn't go back to her. You couldn't go back to your mother.

"What? You mean that herd has people pretending to be walkers inside it? How do you even know that?" Jesus questioned, but you just kept your back to them as you tried to control your breathing.

"Y/N?" Daryl said hesitantly and you sighed, turning back towards them.

"I know all of that because I used to be one of them. They're my old group."

Daryl and Jesus' eyes widened, realising just how bad this was, but Aaron and Eugene just seemed confused.

"Ya mean this is the group that did that to ya?" Daryl questioned, motioning towards his neck and you rubbed your hand over the scar across your neck and nodded.

"We don't have any time, we have to go now. I will explain later." You insisted and you could tell that Daryl and Jesus wanted to talk more about it, but they clearly realised just how serious this was and nodded in agreement before the group of you took off down the road. Aaron and Jesus helping Eugene while you, Daryl, Ace and Dog took the lead.

You honestly had no idea where you were going, even with your photographic memory, everything was dark and foggy. You weren't sure which way Hilltop was let alone where your horses were, but Daryl seemed to know where he was going, so you kept your mouth shut and followed him.

You could hear the walkers in the distance. Their growling echoing across the still night air making your heartbeat skyrocket as you thought of what would happen if the Whisperers got you.

You spent so long looking for them, to try and find your sister, but now... you couldn't do this. Your sister was probably dead and your mother... if she was still alive and found you, you were as good as dead.

"They're nearly on us." Aaron called out.

You glanced over your shoulder, just making out the silhouette of a few walkers or Whisperers in the distance through the fog. Shit, you couldn't just keep walking and you couldn't start running, not with Eugene's knee. You needed a different plan.

"Over there. We could use it as a choke point to slow them down." Jesus suddenly shouted, drawing your attention away from the herd to find the group standing by a hole in some kind of stone fence that led into a cemetery.

That will have to do.

"Go, go." Daryl instructed.

He helped Jesus and Aaron get Eugene over and through the gap before you jumped through after them. Dog and Ace quickly followed with Daryl before the group of you started following the fence line, figuring there had to be a gate in here somewhere.

It didn't take long before you reached a metal gate, but as Jesus tried to push on it, it was clear the gate wasn't going to budge. The gate probably hadn't been opened for 10 years. There was no way they could open it, but that didn't seem to stop Aaron and Daryl from trying as they pushed their body weight onto the fence, but with no luck.

"We can lift him over here." Jesus suggested, but you turned away from the group as the sound of the herd got louder and louder by the second and you quickly came to realise that you didn't have any time left. They were here.

"Guys, there's no time." You called out, catching their attention.

They turned towards you to find you standing a few metres away, your sword out as you stared at the silhouettes in the distance getting closer.

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