Fairy Wing 2: First Day

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The party reminded me much of a fairytale ballroom. It was decorated with beautiful decorations like flowers and ribbons. 

I got to meet Graciella's younger sister, Krystal. 

Krystal was a master potion maker and the fairy world's best and only doctor. 

She was quite snarky when she told me some stories of what Graciella and her used to do when they were younger. 

"You really gave her a love potion and tried to get with Zane?" I asked surprised. 

"Yeah. It was quite the scandal. It fortunately failed. She forgave me though." Krystal said. 

"But seriously? The girls you met. If what you mean is true, then, you're telling me, I'm really not the first human to turn into a fairy." I said curiously. 

"You would be right about that." Krystal said. 

"Huh?" I said. 

I ended up meeting all the fairy princess guardians. 

"Anyway, you should come shopping with us! I love your style!" exclaimed Camilla. 

"Since you're starting, you will be going to the charm school, right?" asked Rosalia. 

"Yes." I answered. 

Everyone ended asking me tons of questions before Graciella saved me from getting trampled on. 

"Tired yet?" Graciella asked me. 

"No, just curious. Is it being a fairy princess difficult?" I asked. 

Graciella sighs and she ruffles my hair. 

"It never gets easier, only harder. But I believe you can do it." Graciella said. 

After the party, I went back to my bedroom. 

I pulled off the dress and shoes before falling backwards on the bed. 

I rested for moment before pulling off the other accessories and clothing before changing into a pink nightgown. 

I went to bathroom to wash the makeup off my face though I was rather sad to see all of Graciella's hardwork gone

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I went to bathroom to wash the makeup off my face though I was rather sad to see all of Graciella's hardwork gone. 

"I really need to ask her, how she does it. I want to be good at so many things." I mutter. 

Once the makeup was gone and I washed my face, I started brushing my teeth before leaving the bathroom. 

I sat down on my bed, looking around the room. 

It was so weird to see a whole different room. 

My old room was white with paintings I did as a child. 

Now, my room was pink and was decorated with ribbons, lace and flowers. 

Everything's was pink and girly. 

I had a closet, stacked with lots of dresses, a music box that was also a jewelry box, a vanity, even a balcony. 

I fall backwards onto the bed as I stared up at the ceiling. 

I sighed as I closed my eyes. 

Maybe, everything will sink in the morning. 

I just... can hardly believe where I am right now. 

I wish I had someone to talk to about this. 

The next few months of being a princess in training was the work and the socializing.

I could not wrap my head around the fact I was pretty and I was popular with people.

So many people came up to me and I was always with other people. They weren't mean or anything like that, but I'm an introvert so, it takes a lot to get used to.

I close my locker, breathing out a sigh.

So, yeah typical magical boarding school in a castle.

It's still quite fun though I was training my body to be more athletic and learning things like how to sew and how to draw. I remember telling Princess Graciella about everything I wanted to do.

"I want to dance and sing! Like the pop stars, you know? Oh yeah, I want to be a fashion designer! Like a fashionista! And, and-" I started talking fast before Graciella holds up a hand to silence me.

"Alright, darling. I'm sure you'll get to those goals in due time. Right now, you should start small. You don't know how to defend yourself yet dear, so it will be a while before you try out dancing. You should also remember singing takes training too." Graciella said making me grin sheepishly.

"Uh, right."

"For now, we need to get you used to exerting yourself. It's not quite you humans are used to seeing. Maybe not, crazy level but close." Graciella said.

Which started the training from hell. At least for me. I would say I hate running.

So, imagine lots of running and stretching. Building up flexibility and speed.

Then, learning how to do things like cartwheels and handstands.

Oh, Venus. I felt like I was getting more heart attacks than I have ever gotten and you should know people are scary!

I honestly thought I was going to stand my head or my back into something.

"Graciella... I don't think I can do this." I said as I stood in a starting position for a cartwheel.

"You said you wanted to flexible and agile. We start here." Graciella said.

"I'm going to fall!" I whine.

"I got you. I'll catch you." Graciella said.

I stare at her before sighing, rolling my eyes.


I kicked off the ground as my hands press against the ground. It happened so fast as I felt a hand quickly grab my ankles to hold me up. I look up to Graciella keeping a firm grip on my ankles to keep upright.

"How is it?" Graciella asked.

I looked forward as I saw the world around me upside down.

"I feel okay." I said.

"Alright now, you have to stand back on your feet. Ready?" Graciella said.

I prepared myself as she let go of my ankles and I tumbled onto the ground.


"Well, that wasn't much of a landing."

"How do you people do it?!"

Anyway, so that was a lot of my physical training days. I feel like my limbs were going to fall off from the exhaustion. At least now, I would say I can do somersaults, cartwheels and other kinds of rolls and flips.

"I wonder when I will learn how they dance and fight? I heard from other fairies those two things go hand in hand." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28 ⏰

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