Chater 16 : Ouroboros

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After all the merchandises have been left out and have been shown... Everyone of the Merchandise lined up
A Spotlight dancing around as Kemuri Constructs kept a close eye of the Merchandise

Amongst the Merchandise the spotlight was pointed at two figures... Lucia and another female who had long blond hair aswell as white dress and blueish like flower designs on the skirt area... She also had a white bandaged part on her back

???:"Psst Lucia? What are you guys doing here? Did you get the same mission aswell?"

Lucia just looks at the girl unaware of what to say or think

Raiden looked around and saw a Blonde haired individual amongst the crowd
The Male tilted his head down slightly while the two looked at each other


Raiden then looked at the Center stage
His eyes laid upon the elegant western european like individual... The "Female" noticed his gaze and winked before saying something

Kamui:"Hello... Com~man~dant~"

The "Female" worded out before blowing a kiss towards him... Raiden looks back at the blonde haired individual

Chrome:"[Commandant of gray ravens its a pleasure to meet you... Listen I'm contacting you through a special network]"

The Crowd eyes the two Merchandises as Qu also looks at them with contempt and seems to be thinking something

Chrome:"[Me and Kamui will hold off the guards while you guys get to Qu]"

Raiden slightly nodded he then did a hand sign to Liv and Lee to prepare... The two nodded

Chrome got out his Scythe and the people near him immediately screamed and ran away from him... The Guards are immediately alerted

Kamui pulled his sword from his back and blocked at attack of a Kemuri Construct

Kamui:"I'm your Dance Partner~"

Lucia then jumped prompting The other three to jump and land towards Qu the leader along with Pulao

Qu:"What the!? Who are you?"

Liv:"We are the Gray Ravens"

Raiden has his gloves ready evident by the purple glow it suddenly had and disappeared the same time... He looked at Qu in suspicion to which the latter didn't notice

Pulao:"Leader Qu. Today's the day we will finally be free from Huaxu's control"

Qu:"Pulao...your the one who got them?"

Pulao nodded

Pulao:"Huaxu has taken control of us for a long time... Everyone including you suffered"

Pulao the began talking and persuading her to take them towards Huaxu so they can destroy them once and for all

Liv:"My data suggests that Lady Qu... Is Unhealthy and fatigued..."

Liv said towards Raiden... He nodded but there are more pressing matters at hand

Qu:"Very well... Please follow me"

Qu then began leading the towards the building... The Gray Ravens followed closely

*Electric sparkle*

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