Ex Chapter 24 : Qu

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Babylonia HQ
Meeting Room

Hassen:"So how goes the Kowloong commemorance restoration?"

Hassen is currently in a meeting with Celica and some other people thats in charge in helping the Kowloong recover from the attack they experienced

Executive:"It appears to be going well... We're working close with the makeshift leader at the moment"

Executive 2:"We're managing very much we are fixing stuff and dealing with some of the Corrupted... Just as you asked"

Hassen:"Good Good"

Executive:"However we would need some minor help from other squads"

Hassen:"...Speak your mind"

Executive 2 places files on the table and Hassen reads the front pages

Hassen:"You want some help from the Gray Ravens? The Purifying force? And some other squads?"

Executive 2 nods... Hassen sighs for a moment remembering that Gray Ravens have been dealing with missions left and right the past couple of weeks after their return and dealing with Amberia

Hassen:"May i remind you that Gray Ravens are cramped at the moment... They haven't got a decent rest for a while"

Executive:"Isn't that why you forbid them going on mission like since last week?"


Executive:"Then they should be ready by now"

Hassen sighs

Hassen:"... Fine... Let me discuss it with their commandant"
Gray Ravens Lounge

Raiden is sitting on the chair sipping tea... Lee was busy writing the final report as Lucia was in the training dock for a while with Liv so The Two men are left alone

Lee:"Commandant... I've been meaning to ask you"


Lee:"Why aren't we on missions at the moment?"

Raiden:"...We're currently on break and there's no mission beside the occasional Corrupted clearing"

Lee:"...I feel like something is about to happen soon"

Raiden:"... Me too"



Lucia is seen practicing her frame more and more becoming more fast and agile

Liv:"I think your good Lucia"

Lucia:"Thank you... I'm still getting used to this Liv"

Liv:"I can tell"

Liv did a small chuckle... Lucia looks at her and did a smile

Lucia:"It's better to get more experienced since... This isn't me... But i will try to regain my memories soon... If not i still would want to be the Lucia that everyone knew"

Liv:"...That's something Lucia would say"

Lucia then began performing attacks on a dummy again and again while Liv was monitoring her

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