Chapter 32 : Previous Era

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The group was currently on a aircraft flying back to Babylonia but without a sign of the another due to the place collapsing down

Raiden : "..."

Lucia : "Commandant?"

Raiden blinked before looking at Lucia with a bit of a surprised expression at her sudden calling out

Raiden : "...Oh...Lucia"

Lucia : "Are you okay?"

Raiden nods as Lucia takes his hand making him blush for a moment before tightening his grip and then looking back at Chrome and the others

Lucia : "He'll be back... He'll find us"

Raiden : "...Won't betray us...Yeah I know"

Lucia : "...I have faith in him"

Raiden : "A little?"

Lucia : "Perhaps...but I chose to put my trust in him now"

Raiden : "Good to know..."
Aftermath as The Group breaches the Atmosphere
Back at the Ground

Kiri was right there safe and sound looking at the groups aircraft breaching through the clouds...He did small huff and smiled at it before closing his eyes and looking to the Horizon wondering where he should go next

Kiri : "...How about...visit some old places?"

Kiri said to himself before stepping forwards and going his own merry way
Babylonian Command Center

Nikola : "This is bad..."

Hassen : "I'm more surprised...if anything"

Nikola : "...Do you have any idea...what he is capable of?"

Hassen chuckles at that before putting a hand on his co-workers shoulder

Hassen : "He seems to be attached to the boy...You need not worry of a betrayal"

Nikola : "...I'm afraid...Hassen...The Parlement...Kurono...and even many others in our Babylonia..."

Hassen grimaces at that...the fact that they now have no eyes on Kiri nor his whereabouts have put them on edge... desperately clinging to some hope that things would not repeat again

Nikola : "...It's a race against time...Kurono has taken notice and will try to act..."

Hassen : "Let them...we have another important to discuss"

Hassen seriously stated before Celica handed over the file she had on her...Hassan takes it and lays it on the table with a big classified stamp on it

Nikola squinted before composing himself and then blinking multiple times to make sure he wasn't dreaming...He then looks at Hassen

Nikola : "...Is this true?"

Hassen nods at his question...he was also quite shocked about this apparent thing

Hassen : "...She's alive"

Nikola : "..."

Nikola looked at the classified files again...The photo of a certain woman was there...thought to have died long ago

Nikola : "...She's our top priority...we now have someone who can fully leash...our Kiri here"
Back on Earth
2 days after the groups return

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