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A century has passed and I came to visit Zeus, he was in a gruesome state and most of his body has melted

"How does it feel, to be tortured rather than executed" I said with a devilish grin

He could not even reply, his eyes moved and only looked at me as if to beg for my mercy, I smiled and said to him

"You are really lucky you know, if there are any others who did that then I would personally torture them until they ask for death, if not for my future plans for you then you would have been killed by me you know" I said while still grinning like a madman, I guess my sadistic side is showing

"Too bad you can't even hear me, then you might have that look of despair on your face, hehehe" I laughed evilly

I then healed him and he tried to run but I binded him with the same thing that he used against me, I then escorted him to a room full of sharp objects and a bucket of acid that will never become empty

"Have fun with my best trained demons" I said and waved goodbye to him

"Oh, and I forgot to mention" I said as the demons started to appear, all with gruesome appearances

"They are also the most sadistic of the inhabitants in the underworld, so have fun with them" I smiled and waved towards him

He tried to scream but chains wrapped around his mouth, stopping him from doing so

During these hundred years, my child with Aphrodite has been born, Aphrodite actually had almost the same stamina as mine but mine was a little bigger, she and I had sex for a decade and non stop rumbling occurred in the underworld during that time

She was pregnant after that and gave birth to our beautiful daughter Venus, you might think of it as the planet but Venus is the roman equivalent of Aphrodite

She had beautiful golden hair and fair skin, an innocent face and a childish personality, she specializes in the bow and learned archery from Artemis and Apollo

She had beautiful golden hair and fair skin, an innocent face and a childish personality, she specializes in the bow and learned archery from Artemis and Apollo

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She is the goddess of beautiful nature, she protects the forests, jungles and everything that has wildreness from getting ruined by creatures or the weather

She has grown to be a fine young woman, I will tear apart any man who tries to even court her just for her beauty

"Hello Papa" Isabella greeted me as I was making my way towards the human world, she still called me that because of her childish personality

I asked her why she is there and she answered that she was following me, I smiled and patted her head, she is very good at stealth, I could sense her but still, she hasn't made any sound while following me which is very excellent

I was then greeted by Persephone, my daughter

She had dark black hair and slightly tanned skin, beautiful hazelnut eyes and plumo red lips

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