Fallen Sky

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Uranus raised his hand, then a sword made entirely of light appeared in his hand, when he swung his arm, I closed my eyes


I am Hades, the God and the embodiment of the underworld

With my power, I have ruled Greece in peace, many oppose my power, intending to kill me

I have lived for eons, helping humanity as best as I can, making me the most worshipped God, thus making me the strongest God there is

I have absorbed the power of a primordial deity, making my strength increase to countless degrees

I found love, many times in fact, and became a father to many daughters, finding happiness

But I always felt something missing, it was as if I was pretending to smile even though I knew I was happy

Then it came to me, the feeling of living was what I had missed the most

Back in my previous life, I lived every moment in that life full of emotions, be it in sadness, happiness, anger, etc.

The reason was simple, I knew that I had a limited time to live, and so I wanted to live my life to the fullest, before Thanatos arrived

In this life, every happy moment, angry moment, sad moment felt like an instance in all the millennia that I have lived

In other words, knowing that I would and could never die made living very dull

This moment, when I was under Uranus, knowing he could kill me permanently, made me a little content and thankful for everything that has happened to me, my wives, my sisters, my mother, my daughters, heck, even my brothers and father

They were the reasons for giving me such emotions, even if some of them gave me headaches

It was just a fraction of a second, but it felt like all of my life was replaying in my head, from the sweetest moments to the toughest moments, facing death made me cherish all the things that I have experienced in this world, but I do not fear death

Was it because of being tired living without purpose, or was I simply too tired of seeing the filth of the world that even the very gods are infected by

No matter, the outcome is now absolute, I'll embrace my death this time

"Papa!!! " I heard and saw my daughter Eri in the battlefield

Ah, yes, so I still had something to fight for, as long as my cute daughters are here, I have a reason to keep living

I used the cage hidden at my back to block the attack coming from Uranus

3rd World POV

Zeus thought nervously 'I didn't even see him swing his arm'

The other three also thought the same thing, even the silent Thanatos was surprised and showed an expression

Hades used all of his strength and absorbed the energy around him to restore himself to his peak, then rushed to his daughter who managed to get into the battlefield

Suddenly, the gates of Hades was destroying and all the souls residing in the afterlife was being sucked out, their destination, Hades himself

After absorbing every soul in hell, he was transformed, adorning a black armour made from the darkness of hell and every soul within it

After absorbing every soul in hell, he was transformed, adorning a black armour made from the darkness of hell and every soul within it

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"Forgive me" said Hades to all the souls that were sacrificed

Then, he faced the very enemy that he abhors

"Why don't we repeat our fight again grandfather, now on equal terms"

Uranus smirked and started the attack

This time, Hades could hold his ground, but he noticed something different

Even though he had once again gained more power, he felt the distance of their power growing larger, as if matching his increase in power, even overwhelming him

'Wait, if I gain more power, he does too... could that be his special trump card' Hades thought to himself

'There's also a possibility that he has a unique ability that doubles his power on a selected target'

'Then if I were to lose power, would he also follow suit?'

Hades released some souls within his armor, it was a risk for him, but he could not think of anything to defeat his grandfather, his power seemed endless

After he lost some power, it could also be noted that Uranus also lost some power as well, but it was on a much bigger scale

Suddenly, Uranus had a serious expression and took the fight more urgently now

Hades was beginning to be overwhelmed but he managed to figure out that what he did was certainly not what Uranus wanted

"Raven! Thanatos! Poseidon! Zeus! Take on these 4 angels! "

Hades yelled and the four quickly followed his orders

Uranus caught on and increased his power to max throttle

Hades blocked and dodged with all he can, not having the chance to remove his power, as every shot from Uranus was strong enough to destroy his body

After a while, Uranus was beginning to tire, and Hades saw a chance to disperse his power, and so he did

After releasing as much power as he can, he regressed his form to when he was just a small infant

After releasing as much power as he can, he regressed his form to when he was just a small infant

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However, his mind was not affected

He felt that Uranus' power was near to nothing, so he conjured up another sphere made from mana, divine energy, and cosmic energy and blew shot it to his grandfather

Hades then fell, not having anymore strength left in him to even move

Uranus had a distressed look on his face when he saw the sphere, but when the sphere neared him, he showed a creepy grin on his face

Just before the sphere touched him, every other being that was under him all disappeared

When the sphere touched his body, it exploded


As the smoke from the blast cleared, every entity was shocked, they saw that, in the place of the primordial heaven was a face that formed from the very cloud, unscathed and massive

As the smoke from the blast cleared, every entity was shocked, they saw that, in the place of the primordial heaven was a face that formed from the very cloud, unscathed and massive

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The face laughed hysterically and said "This is my absolute power, lament in your foolishness in standing in the way of others' war"

He then opened his mouth wide and shot a beam of light so fast that no god could even perceive that it was already shot

The beam neared the immobile Hades.......

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05 ⏰

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