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"This is a letter to my ex.

Can't seem to move on to my next.

I hope one day she finds this book and reads it.

To realize that hurting her was never my intention.

Falling in love with her was never part of the plan.

That's why I made the bet...what a foolish man I am."

After reading the poem I immediately realize that the book is definitely about so I panicked and I quickly shut the book closed and I stand up and grab my phone to call my best friend Leandra and after three rings she picks up the call...

"Girl he wrote a book", I say panicking

"Wait who wrote a book", Leandra responds and I don't even hear her response because I am panicking. So I am pacing back and forth talking to myself while on the phone trying to convince myself that this is just a big coincidence and that is not the Thabang that I laid it just cannot be and as I am frustrating myself, I hear Leandra shouting through the phone...

"Sharon...calm the hell down and tell me what is going on and who wrote a book", Leandra shouts...I sit down and I take a deep breath and come to my senses.

"My ex wrote a book about me", I say.

"What!! how is that even possible", Leandra says.

" I don't know Lea but all I know is my ex who is a writer, who's name is Thabang Kingsley owns this book...I don't know what to do Lea", I say. I am afraid to read the book, I'm afraid to find out worse things about our relationship...most of all I'm afraid to find out if I was wrong about the whole situation.

"Listen need closure okay, when I saw you crying in that parking lot I just knew you were broken and I am sure that you don't wanna set your eyes on that man. So read the book, this will be like getting closure from him without even meeting with him and this will help you move on", Leandra explains.

She's right, this is what I have been asking get closure from him without having to meet him and I guess the universe was listening to me because it happened. So I thank her for her advice, I hang up and I sit back down....I take the book from the table, open it and I skip right to chapter goes nothing...

N.B: every time Sharon reads the book, it will be narrated through Thabang's perspective.


In order for me to explain why I became the way I am I have to explain how I grew up because that played a big part as to why I became a certified player. I grew up in a home where women were never respected or valued. My mum was married to a drunkard who had no respect or value for her whatsoever but she never left him. I remember when I was a kid, my dad walked in drunk out of his mind and on his shoulder there was another woman. This was not the first time that my dad did something like this but guess what my mum loved this man more than she loved her own kids and she would do anything for him even forgive him ten thousand times. I started resenting my mum and looking up to my dad because if a woman allows you to treat her like this then it is not the man's fault, it's the woman's fault period.

The marriage between my mum and dad created a strain between them and us their children. My older sister who my mum was pregnant with at a young age became just like my mother but a little bit more responsible because she takes care of her kids it's just that she keeps getting pregnant for men who use her and dump her like trash. Men who don't take care of their kids just like my dad...this is a lesson to all the men, you are who your daughter will date and you are who your son will become. My sister moved out with her boyfriend and ever since then she has never returned home...she moves from one boyfriend to the next because she is looking for that father figure that she never had in her life.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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