Chapter 3 - Part 1

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*4 months later*
I moved in with Yelena after 4 weeks and it's been great because now I don't have to go to sleep alone and I don't have to drive to her house just to see her.

It's Friday, 28th March 2018, 8am.

Yelena and I are in bed then my alarm goes off.

Yelena wakes up and says "Turn your phone off I wanna stay in bed, and I want you to stay with me."

I then say to her "Well. We can stay in bed tomorrow."

She then pulled me to her and whispered "No. Today and everyother day we have to stay in bed together."

I then giggled and kissed her and said while trying to get out of bed "I wish we could. But come on its 8am." Yelena then pulled me back in bed while saying "No."

After more fighting to get up, I managed to get out and so I started pulling the blanket off of her and then she groaned and says "Ugh. Fine."

I then said "I'm gonna have a shower and then we can have breakfast together. How's that sound?"

Yelena then replies "Can I join you?" Without noticing what she had just said.

I said with a smile on my face "Yeah course you can but can you find some Clothes while I go and let the dog out?"

Yelena then says "Yeah, sure."

I replied while walking down the stairs "Thank you."

I then got down stairs and the dog was waiting by the back door so I then opened it and he then ran out and so i left the door open ready for when he wanted to come back in, I sat on the sofa waiting and then Yelena yelled "Nat has messaged you."

So I replied "What does it say?"

"It says call me when you can." Yelena said back.

I said "Can you bring my phone down quickly please. And after we shall have that shower."

She then said "Ok." And then she started coming down the stairs with my phone in her hand and came and sat next to me and passed me my phone.

"Thank you." I said smiling.

Yelena said "I've picked out a outfit for both of us when we get out the shower."

I then smile again and she smiles back. I FaceTimed Nat and she awnserd so Yelena and I both said "Hi Nat."

Nat then Replied to us saying "Hi how are you both? And how's living together now?"

I awnserd "I am great thanks, how are you? And living with Yelena is great but she always wants to stay in bed together for the hole day."

Nat then laughed and said "You make Yelena really vulnerable, she never opened up to people I was the only person, until she met you, I could tell you two developed a feeling when we was in the vent. Then also the time you went into the room to check on Yelena and so it leaves the part when you jumped to save Yelena after putting her baton into the propellers even though you thought the explosion of it killed her. But hey, Anyway, what about you Yelena? How you finding it and how are you?"

Yelena then awnsered "I am great, and I'm finding living with Y/N great."

Nat then said "Good, glad you both like it. We need you both down here at the compound."

I then said "Oh. Ok. Um we are just gonna have a shower and then have breakfast, but yeah we'll be there when we are done."

Yelena then added "We are having the shower together."

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