Chapter 5 - Part 1

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April 2nd 2018, 8am.

Yelena and I were cuddled in bed and not long after she woke up and saw me still sleeping cuddled up to her and so she smiled, not long after she started moving slowly to get out of bed without waking me up but I pulled her back to me and said "Don't go."

Yelena looked back and chuckled while saying "We have to go. I got a notification saying we have found one of the widows."

"Wait really?" I sat up and so Yelena nodded.

We both got out of bed and put our white widow outfits on and then not long after Nat started calling Yelena and so she called me over and awnsered.

"HEYYY NATTT!" Yelena and I shouted exited.

Nat laughed at us and said "Hey you two. How are you both?"

"We are good. How about you." Yelena and I awnsered together again.

"I am great thank you. We have a big mission and I wanna know if you both can make it. It's ok if you can't."

"Um well, we would but Yelena got a notification from a widow that was freed saying there is another widow that she has found."

"Ah, that's Ok, you both do that and help the widow out."

"Are you sure Nat?"

"Yes I am sure Yelena. Anyway we gotta go now I'll speak to you both later. Love you both."

"Ok as long as you are sure. And ok speak to you later. Love you too."

"BYEEE Natttt. Love youuuuuu."

Soon after Nat chuckled then ended the call, then we carried on getting our stuff ready and got into the car.

*Time skip to location*
Yelena and I got to the location and we ran along the roof of the house to a the door which was surprisingly not locked, but we entered quickly anyway.

We then saw the widow that told us about the location and said "I'm Sonya one of the widows, I'm the one who got you here. She's downstairs."

As we went down the stairs we held our guns out Yelena walking down first me and Sonya following behind, Yelena and I went oposite ways and she turned her corner in front of the widow and I stepped out behind the window.

"Hi there, Anna." Yelena says confidently.

Anna looks back at me seeing I'm pointing my gun at her and frowns but turns back to look at Yelena.

After a long staring session Anna decided to attack me and she kicked me in the stomach which made me fall on my knees and befor she could do anything else Yelena pulled her gun out and pointed it at Anna's head.

Anna slowly put her head against Yelena's gun and said through her teeth "Do it." Yelena stands there not doing anything and so it annoyed Anna and so she pushed the gun away and so they both started fighting, Anna managed to throw Yelena to the floor and so I ran up to her kicked her in the knee causing her to fall on one knee, so I went to kick the other but she had caught my leg and flipped me over, she then got up and stood on my leg making me cry out in pain and then Yelena comes behind her holding her in a head lock.

She was walking backwards making Yelena walk also and soon after she took her arm and headbutted Yelena and tried to throw her into the other room and so they were still fighting in there.

I managed to get up again still in pain going to the other room. Yelena then shouted at Anna "Stop. I'm trying to help you."

"Then why did you break into my goddam house." And shouted back at her

Yelena then flipped Anna and pinned her to the floor and shouted "Y/n! I need the vial! And Sonya, come hold her hands!"

I threw Yelena the antidote so she caught it and waited for Sonya to hold her hands to the floor Yelena then sprayed it onto Anna's face and she started coughing and rubbing her head.

Yelena started saying "The next part is going to be really scary and confusing but we're her to help."

Anna wasn't brain washed so we all was on the floor confused at what was happening.

After a while Anna lead us to the living room and said "Take a seat, you 3."

Sonya sat next to her looking around while Yelena and I obviously sat next to eachother.

After a long silence Anna asked Yelena and I "So, how many widow's have you both helped?"

Yelena sighed and said "Many."

I then looked at her and put my hand on her knee and added "So many." She looked up at me and smiled and looked back down at her hands.

After a 2 minute silence Yelena added again looking up at Anna "Many. Yeah, um. It's hard work. It's hard to find them and uh, it's... it's hard watching them wake up... from this but it's worth it."

I added as she looked back down "But when we've cleared all of this shit up, they will all make good lives for themselves." I then look at Yelena looking me in the eyes and so I also added "Like Yelena and I."
We both smiled at each other and Brought out attention back to Anna who was looking at us knowing we are a thing.

"That's great to hear, and yeah, I bet it is hard. How is your sister, Nat doing, Yelena?" Anna said sitting more forward.

Yelena then smiles a little and said "She's doing okay. Yeah she's good."

Sonya says "And then, you and Y/n will be reunited with Natasha again, and then you 3 will go and live in New York happily."

Yelena said in a sad tone "Uh... I'll be back. Excuse me." And got up.

I also got up and followed her then I took her hand when we both got out of thier sight.

Yelena and I walked into Anna's bathroom and so I asked her "Hey... what's up?"

"I don't know. Its just, you know. Nat is busy with her work now and we don't really get to speak to her much. Like we only got a certain amount of time to talk to her this morning, it was nice but I wanted it to be longer." Yelena awnsered as a tear slowly fell down her face but she never noticed until I wiped it away.

"Yeah, I know, I wanted it to be longer too. But you know, Avenger work is big, we found that out becuse we are Avengers we have been for almost a month. But hey how about when we are done here, we call Nat and see if we can see everyone when they are done or if we can help out." I said to try and reassure her.

"Yeah true. And yes I would love that and I know you would too. Thank you Y/n, honestly I don't know what I would do if I hadn't met you." Yelena replied sounding more happy.

I walked up behind her and wrapped my arms around her hips while resting my chin on her shoulder and so she tilted her head wanting me to kiss her and so I did.

After 2 more minutes she goes to wash her face, I blinked and she wasn't there when I opened my eyes and so I went out the door and then poof, nothing it was like I entered a new world with nothing.

Nat's pov
We thought we beat Thanos but we hadn't he clicked his fingers and he done what he said he'd do, he wiped out half of every living thing on the planet.

Soon after I ran back to where Wanda was thinking Thanos would still be there but I was wrong he was gone and so was Wanda, vision was dead on the floor and holy shit he looked scary. Anyway once the Avengers that were still here in Wakanda we all met up and went back to the Compound.

Becuse it was late and what had just happened everyone was pissed, we were all silent and so after abit longer we all headed into our room and they went to sleep but I sat in my room trying to get hold of Y/n and also Yelena on both of thier phones but no one was awnsering and so I was getting nervous so I stayed up until 5am but I was to tired and fell asleep.

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