Intro to the lives of the leads-1

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A boy was lying on his bed while staring at his mobile's blank screen when a girl came in taking his attention.

Girl: You are still awake?

Boy: Hmm, can't sleep till you come no.

She also lied down beside him and he hugged her when his phone rang. He saw the caller ID and was confused.

Boy: You sleep, I'll be back.

He pecked her lips before going out to the balcony and answering the call.

Boy: Hello.

Caller: Sorry to disturb you at this time, sir.

Boy: It's ok, why did you call? Did you find her?

Caller: No sir. Are you sure this girl is alive? We have been searching for so long.

Boy: She has to be alive, in Mumbai only. You all just concentrate on finding her.

Caller: Yes sir, we are trying.

Boy: Hmm.

He kept the call.

Boy: Avneet, where have you disappeared? Why did you have to run away?

( The boy is Abhishek Nigam.)

He went back and saw the girl asleep. He sighed and called someone after going out.

??: Papaaaaaaaa.

Abhi: Why are you still awake?

??: Papa, you didn't say what you say every time.

Abhi: Ok I'll say it now.

He said while chuckling.

??: Papaaaaaaaaa.

Abhi: Papa ki jaaaaaaan.

She giggled making him smile.

Abhi: Ok so now Ms. Arhana, will you tell me why are you awake?

Arhana: I'm not sleepy.

Abhi: Where is he?

Arhana: Robin bhaiya is next to me, asking for his phone.

Abhi: Ohh. Give it to him no.

Arhana: Noo. I know you will tell him to make me sleep.

Abhi: Arhana.

Arhana: Ok fine.

Robert: Hello sir.

Abhi: Hello Robert.

Robert: Sir, I've been trying for a long time, but she isn't listening to me at all. I even said you'll come if she doesn't but of course, she is your daughter, too smart to believe it.

Abhi: Oh, then let me make her believe it, give the phone to her.

Arhana: Yes papa?

Abhi: I'm coming there.

Arhana: Ok.

She said not believing. But when she heard the sound of a car turning on which was just a sound made by mobile, she believed him.

Arhana: No papa, I'm going to sleep. Don't come.

Abhi: Hmm. You won't trouble him now, right?

Arhana: Yes papa.

Abhi: Good night.

Arhana: Good night. Love you.

Abhi: Love you too.

She cut the call and Robert made her sleep. Meanwhile, somewhere else, a girl is working when someone comes in.

Girl: Sid, you here?

Sid: Vaishu di, even the owls go to sleep but you don't.

She glared at him.

Sid: Glare me later, now come no.

He said pulling her. She sighed knowing he wouldn't stop.

Vaish: Ok ok, I'm coming.

Sid: Di, I know you are still sad and hurt by what happened. I don't know what happened, or who did it also. But try moving on no. You can't be like this forever for a person who is no more in your life and it wouldn't matter also to that person if something happens to you.

Vaish: It's not as easy as it seems, only once you go through it you understand how difficult it is. But I hope you never have to. Anyway, go to sleep. Good night.

Sid: Good night.

They went to their rooms and Vaish went to sleep while Sid sat on the bed while looking at a photo. 

Sid: How do I explain to you di, things aren't easy for me either. One side I lost my love and will never get her. She may never even love me back. And dada (Abhishek) is also not with me. It's been so long since I am waiting for him. When I finally started getting over that incident, he left suddenly and those nightmares returned. Anyway, tomorrow is my first day of work in ASN industries as the company I worked in earlier removed some employees, me being one. Fortunately I got this job as it is very difficult to enter through the tough interview considering the demands of this job. 

After some time he checked on Vaishu and then fell asleep himself. In another place a girl was walking on the street alone, it was dark around. She stopped after some time.

Sm1: So you are finally here.

Girl: What do you want? I even paid the amount you asked for. Now what?

Sm1: Well sweetheart, now that you know our secrets, how can we leave you alive? Be ready, death is coming your way.

He went from there.

Girl: Reem, now how will you escape from this?

She said to herself. 


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