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Abhi turned to see Sid, who had heard only Abhi's side of conversation. 

Abhi: Chote, you here? 

Sid: Yeah, I wasn't feeling sleepy. It's the first time I am hearing of your girlfriend, when you are breaking up with her, over a call. 

Abhi: Let's go to your room, we can't talk here. 

Sid nodded and they went to his room. 

Abhi: You remember Robert mentioned a girl? 

Sid: Yeah. 

Abhi: Her name is Rini, I was talking to her only. And she isn't a good person anyway, we broke up for good. 

Sid: That's why Robert was so annoyed. 

Abhi: Yeah. 

Sid: Dada, something has changed in you. 

Abhi: What? 

Sid: I don't know, it's just something changed. 

Abhi: Nothing changed, you are thinking too much. Now you should sleep, good night. 

Sid: Good night. 

Abhi made him lie down and covered him with a blanket and switched off the light and went. Sid could see the pain hidden in his eyes. He couldn't sleep, still disturbed by the pain he saw Abhi felt. After sometime he got irritated by not being able to sleep and sat up. He went out randomly walking in the house, something he always does when not sleepy but everyone else is asleep. He heard some shuffling sound from Abhi's room and saw Abhi constantly moving like he is having a nightmare. He held onto his neck like he was feeling suffocated. Sid immediately went to him and sat next to him and kept his head in his lap and clamed him. Soon Abhi was sleeping calmly. 

Sid: You've always been there for me, helped me get over the fear I had of them, made me feel safe and happy always dada. But now you are in pain, you look like you are broken from inside and now I'll be there for you, even if you try pushing me away. The entire world can call you wrong but I know you can never be wrong. 

A tear left his eye upon just imagining the pain his brother must be going through since no idea how long. He got up to go when he realized Abhi was holding his arm in sleep. He again sat there, not wanting to wake him and fell asleep. Next morning Abhi woke up and was confused on why was Sid here. He noticed he was holding Sid's arm. He got up and went out. 

Abhi: You are up early? 

He asked when he saw Robert awake. 

Robert: Yeah, but why are you up? Its just 5 right now. 

Abhi: I wake up at 5 only everyday. 

Robert: Ohh

Robert went back to his room and slept as he still had 1 and half hour to wake up.  Even Abhi went to his room but didn't sleep. He saw Sid had woken up. 

Abhi: You woke up? 

Sid: Yeah, due to the movement. What's the time? 

Abhi: It... 

Before he could complete he rushed to the washroom and puked. 

Sid: Dada, are you fine? Yesterday also twice.... 

Abhi: Yeah I am fine, don't worry. 

Sid: I think we should go to doctor. 

Abhi: But Sid... 

Sid: Dada. 

Abhi sighed agreeing, himself unaware of the reason. Later Sidshek visited the doctor and he did few tests and they waited for the result. After sometime the doctor returned. 

Sid: What is it? 

Doctor: The reason for your illness is over drinking and intake of drugs. 

Sidshek: DRUGS? 

Doctor: Yeah. And if you want we can provide you with treatment for getting free from the addiction of drugs. 

Abhi: How? 

Doctor: We'll give small amount of the drug, reducing with time till you don't need them anymore. It won't take too long as the addiction isn't that much yet.  { I am not sure if drugs and drinking leads to vomiting and how addiction is treated.}

Abhi: No, I'm not taking any drugs. 

He said while standing up. 

Abhi: There is something wrong with the report, I've never even seen drugs, let alone taking any. 

Doctor: There is nothing wrong with the reports dear. And about the drugs, then either you are lying or you weren't in your senses when you took drugs, I mean you were drunk. 

Abhi: If I would've taken, I would know after waking up right, some powder, injection or something must have been there. I'm not taking any drugs. Sid, let's go. 

Doctor: Wait, there is another possibility, maybe someone injected them into you or mixed them in whatever you eat or drink. 

This stopped Abhi. He analyzed the doctors words and everything made sense. 

Abhi: Is there no other way to remove this addiction? 

Doctor: There is, we can try it, but it will be more difficult for you, it will take the same time though. In this you won't have to take drugs, we'll give you some liquids like juice and soda instead. It's just some therapies. You'll have to be in hospital for a week from tomorrow for it. 

Abhi agreed for it then Sidshek returned home. 

Sid: Dada, you didn't deny drinking, do you drink? 

Abhi: Yeah, I used to. Now I don't though. Also Sid, don't let anyone know about the drugs, drinking and all that. I'll just say there is a business meeting for which I have to go. 

Sid: What about Robert? 

Abhi: I'll say I handled it myself only but forgot to tell him as he was very busy. 

Sid: Hmm. 

Next day Abhi left, all believing his excuse. Few days later Abhi returned. But it felt like it's not Abhi but someone else who has come here. He had changed completely. He talked rudely to anyone if he did, usually he avoided everyone. He had shouted on Robert many times for interfering in his life and showing fake care when Robert actually cared. He asked Vaish to be away from him and stop  trying to talk to him when she came to discuss something about work. He even ignored Arhana whenever she came to him even if she cried. He would just keep working or lock himself in his room when there was no work in office. All were shocked and confused by his behaviour. 


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Excited for the chapter?

Will they be able to prove Faisu's innocence and free him?

Why did Abhi behave strangely with Jaan?

What is Abhi suffering through, leading him to act like this?

Will the others be able to look past the image he has made in their eyes and see the real broken him?

Why did Abhi suddenly break up with Rini?

Why is he behaving like this since he returned?

What will Arhana do now when her father is ignoring her?

Stay tuned

Meet you all in the next chapter. 

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