Written Statment #6 Western

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I, Western Rai, make this statement of my own free will. I understand that I do not have to say anything but that it may harm my defence if I do not mention when questioned something which I later rely on in court. This statement may be given in evidence.

Sunday the 20th of June

5:00 am — woke up to the soul-baring sound of Motown coming from the kitchen. I can't help the way music seeps through my ears and navigates my body into dance

5:15 am — drifted around thoughts of dance and how powerful of a stimulant it is

7:30 am — caused a small war on TikTok about evolution and the facts about that.

8:30 am — finished my war worried about humankind

9:00 am — Hit the roof over my little sister, ripping open the bread bag like that's acceptable

9:45 am — took a call for the car garage my dad owns and put the phone down when the guy told me to go back to my own country—funny that—I'm more English than he

9:50 am — got dressed

10:30 am — I wrote some notes down and read more about Berry Gordy. I loved the quote, "I wanted music from the whites, blacks, the Jews and the Gentiles...."

11:50 am — realised I'd lost consciousness online and hurried to leave the house

12:30 pm — had a little chuckle to myself when I missed the curb and turned my fall into a new move

1:00 pm — got to the pit

1:30 pm — played football with Chace until he ran a mockery of me with his tackles

2:00 pm — Rudy goes where wild truth flows, so we stop him posting some shit about nothing

2:30 pm — chatted with Emma about her mum's spaghetti

3:20 pm — wondered why the girls always hogged the Lazy Boy

4:00 pm — everybody's dunk now

5:30 pm — filmed a thirst video for the hell of it and chocked on a shot

6:00 pm — asked Chace what was happening with him. I got no answer because he's mint at diversion

6:30 pm — in deep conversation with the boys, found out Chase and Quinn were hiding from her dad

7:00 pm — felt happy

8:30 pm — felt proud of us. Against all odds, we made it through school

9:00 pm — thought about where we'd all be in five years

9:30 pm — laughed about a bunch of "remember when's"

10:00 pm — Remembered when Chase decorated the school with sanitary towels like bunting at a wedding after Mr Brammer gave Jess detention for taking her pads out in front of him

10:50 pm — looked at the scars on my arms and saw them as memories—feeling blessed for my crew

11:00 pm — told Quinn she was doing just fine, and we danced the night away

11:30 pm — it went cold, and I wondered why, so I questioned my purpose without unwanted feelings taking me back to dark places

Monday the 22nd June

12:00 pm — asked Chase what was up again and got no answer

12:10 am — noticed Jess had gone for a pee, noticed Emma was sock-on and threw my jacket over her

12:15 pm — grew tired of our tiny dramas and took off home

1:00 am — stepped over my dad passed out in the front garden

1:30 am — I binned all the empty Stella cans so my sister wouldn't see them in the morning.

2:00 am — went upstairs to bed

3:30 am — Dad woke up, came into my room to start an argument with me—called me a cunt, asked for an arm wrestle while coughing up blood

4:00 am — listened to my dad cry over my mum leaving us

4:30 am — finally got him to bed, hoping heaven isn't ever open for him

5:00 am — got into bed for the second time and looked at my ceiling posters from when I was five and realised life was simple once upon a time.

5:15 am — bang at my door. Police collected me, took my phone off me and put me in an interview room

6:30 am — told I was silly

7:00 am — told I was stupid

7:30 am — still have no idea what's going on

8:00 am — feel like I'm part of some masterplan that I know shit about

9:30 am — wished I had my black mirror—my phone. Wondered why Google isn't planted in our brains already.

9:45 am — got a growing feeling in my stomach that something wasn't right

10:00 am — felt hot

10:35 am — had my fingerprints take

11:30 am — tried to remember if anything bad happened last night

12:30 pm — questioned Charlie and his lethal quod bike

1:00 pm — questioned Chase and his bad-by-accident character getting all of us into deep shit

2:00 pm — Detective Julie told me someone was hurt

2:30 pm — asked what happened and didn't get an answer

2:35 pm — felt sick

2:40 pm — don't believe her

2:45 pm — felt stuck in a dream

3:00 pm — laughed out loud, feeling crazy tired

3:30 pm — head feels in a frenzy

4:00 pm — feel odd

4:30 pm — felt my eye twitching and questioned if I always breathe this way

5:00 pm — started banging, but nobody came

6:00 pm — didn't know what day it was and realised our world could be changing forever

6:30 pm — remembered texting my uncle last week to congratulate him on the birth of his first son Cash J Hawkins. Made him promise always to listen to Cash no matter how petty or small his childhood problems are because that's all us lot have ever wanted from our parents.

6:32 pm — wished my relationship with my dad was as strong as it is with my social media

7:00 pm — told I could go

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