Staying is of course an option

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Author: This chapter is for the readers who haven't given up on this book! Thank you!

(Whitebeard Pirate Ship – X, Z, Percy Room)

Percy woke with a dull ache in his head. Sitting up, his fingers rub his eyes, only to feel something wet. 'Nico...I miss you.'

"You okay?" Xian asks, sitting down beside Percy. Percy nods, shakes his head, and eventually just lays back down, staring at the ceiling in a daze.

"What did you think of?" Zorak asks, getting jabbed in the stomach by Xian. Zorak pouts, knowing he was a bit blunt.

"Her, him, hatred, love, it's all a jumble now." Percy murmurs, sitting back up, deciding laying down isn't really helping his headache. "Head hurts."

Xian sighs, pulling Percy into his lap, both of them could tell Percy's suffering, they just couldn't do much about it. The pains that come from his sickness can't be affected by their powers, it's like he's sick just to spite them.

"Percy, the red-haired man-" Xian pauses, carefully choosing his words. "Do you know him?"

"Red-hair? Oh, him, he's irritating." Percy murmurs, and then frowns. "but's weird, he's weird."

Zorak laughed, Xian helplessly looking at the still-dazed Percy. "Is he familiar to you?"

"No" Percy yawns, rubbing his head again in agitation. "How long have I been out?"

"About eight hours, dinners in a couple hours, but if you're hungry we can go now." Xian says, remembering to add. "Then again, pom-pom is failing to make edible food."

"You mean, he's making non-creative food, I bet he hasn't even used food coloring in his life." Zorak smirks.

"Wanna go out." Percy murmurs, tired of this room, tired of being confined on this ship.

Zorak and Xian know what he means, but also know the best they're going to get is being on the ships deck. "Alright, let's go, but there's lots of annoying new people."

"Don't care" Percy tiredly says, not wanting to personally walk, so he hops on Zorak's back. Xian looks put out for a minute, before deciding to not raise up a fuss.

Shooting a glance at Xian, the two silently communicate, both agreeing that Percy is very out of it, he doesn't even seem to be fully registering the conversation they just had. Closing his eyes, Xian lets out a breath. When he opens them, determination flickers in their depths. 'We will find a cure, no matter what.'

Moving silently through the hallways, the two turn a corner and come face to face with, what was his name again? Eh, who cares, it was that guy who showed up with red hair.

"Oh, you three are finally out." Was the first thing that came out of that man's mouth, which had formed a pleased smile, only to drop to a frown as he says, "Is he crying?"

Xian realized the man meant Percy, who was staring vacantly off, supporting his head on Xian's shoulder. Zorak, also realized this, but instead of thinking things through, he immediately flicks his hand, a ball of black flame flying towards said man.

Benn, slightly shocked at how quickly he was attacked by the kid, jumps out of the way. 'Why the heck is it following me?!' The flame had turned with him, still flying at him.

Benn held down the urge to attack back, instead running from the flame. He was positive those were tear tracks on the youngest kids face, which meant it is most likely because of his idiotic captains' earlier words. 'I thought the older kid wasn't really serious when he said it brought up bad memories, aw, darn, my captain made such a cute kid cry.'

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