Chapter 1

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"K-king Julien," whimpered Mort, tenderly licking his monarch's luxurious feet. "Mort! Leave the feet!" King Julien scolded, pulling his foot away from the ankle biter's grasp. Mort whined, showing King Julien his best puppy dog eyes in attempt to regain foot licking privileges. His effort had, however, been wasted. King Julien payed him no attention, not wanting to encourage the whiny little brat any further. In sheer desperation, Mort rolled over in submission to King Julien. He exposed his weakest points. King Julien took advantage of this, kicking Mort while he was in a helpless state. Mort went flying through the air with a loud, blood curdling shriek and disappeared into the distance. The great king was victorious! He had defeated the foot muncher for the time being and could reap the benefits, number 1 being personal space. He stretched out his saliva-soaked toes in celebration and reveled in the freedom Mort's absence had brought. He had to savour it while it lasted, because he knew it would only be short lived.

"King Julien," a voice sounded behind him. King Julien twisted around to see his dear advisor Maurice. "What, Mauricio?!?" King Julien blabbered angrily, droplets of spit flying from his mouth. Maurice expertly dodged every single drop, clearly having experienced this often. "There are urgent matters you have to attend to your majesty." Maurice informed. The king shot him a confused look "You know," Maurice explained further, "regarding the visitors"
"Oh, the pansies!" King Julien concluded. "Correct, my liege, but.."

king Julien X maurice X Mort x amogus imposterWhere stories live. Discover now