Chapter 2

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King Julien and his advisor rushed through the lush jungle, weaving between tree after tree. Finally the beach was in view, when suddenly; DOONK! King Julien turned to see Maurice laying on the ground unconscious with two round indents in his head. Upon closer inspection, King Julien noticed some greasy, brown fur in the wound. It clung to his hand and was covered in thick, brown sludge. Only one lemur had fur this vile; Mort. He scanned his surroundings, searching for the vertically challenged mouth breather. He saw the culprit whinging whilst rubbing his backside. His cheeks were red and inflamed. "Ouch.." Mort groaned, trying to soothe the pain. "Mort!" King Julien growled. Mort's ears instantly pricked up and so did something else. Mort quickly turned so he was facing away from his ruler. "K-k-k-king J-julien," he stammered, "d-don't look". He grabbed a leaf to shield himself. King Julien, now curious began to draw in closer. "K-king Julien," Mort started. King Julien ignored the midget's protests and peered beneath the leaf. "Oh ho ho Mort! You are pitching a tent!" King Julien laughed. "But I am I'm not wearing pants it's not-"
"Shut up Mort"
King Julien reached over and held Mort's quivering cock in his hands. Suddenly he hauled the little rat up by his shmeat and started swinging him around. Mort screamed at first then began to moan "King Julien! Ahh!". King Julien let go of him in disgust and he soared through the air, screeching.

king Julien X maurice X Mort x amogus imposterWhere stories live. Discover now