Chapter 12

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Your Pov

I woke up in my room with a loud noise coming from outside. Yes I said in my room it's been two to three weeks since me and laur made love. Everything fine sorta she's kinda been distance from me these last 3 day's......and so has camz since me and laur got close.But it's probably nothing just me overthinking things as usual. Me and the family is back on track. After them begging and breathing down my neck every second asking me to forgive them. Of course I gave in because well I'm.... me. I can't hold a grudge no matter what. My parents and the girls parent have extend they're stay on the business trip for another 5 months.Even though we all seen it coming.There was a knock on the door. Causing me to jump out of my skin."Come in!" I yelled still sitting in my position too lazy to get up.shay walked in my room...well more like limped. Yeah she decided to teach the kids how to play softball and let's just say Kaiden didn't hit the ball.
"Have you seen my crutches anywhere by any chance...?" I was wondering why she wasn't using them. Oh Sofi and the boys was playing swords with them last night."Have you check the twins room.." she then shook her head before limping back out." No but I'm about too. Oh...and breakfast ready! Why didn't I think of that." she mumbled the last part while I chuckled.well it's a Saturday so no school.I stretched and made my way into the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. I then put my hair in a messy bun. I walked to my dresser to grab some shorts cause I only slept in a sports bra and briefs. I then slid my bunny slippers on why not there so cute and fluffy and soft. I mean why not. I slowly made my way down the stairs but I heard Dinah and laur arguing." You're more moody than usual. what the fuck your problem y/n didn't give you the D" Dinah said playfully. "Dinah Jane !!! Not the fucking time!!" Lauren growled out. "Damn are you pmsing or something" Dinah laughed out "D stop she's really not in the mood she's turning red" normani said pulling Dinah's arm away from her. "But I always messing with her I don't see what's the difference is now.." Dinah said biting into her bacon. I walked in and sat on skylar lap kissing her head. "Good morning guys "I said reaching over to Sofi plate to get a piece of her bacon.But she quickly slapped my hand away."ugh uh loser get your own" she said while nibbling on her waffles. I pout "I'll give you cake" her head shoots up and drops her fork on the plate. "Deal!! Take it all!!" She said pushing me her plate. we all chuckled before camz screamed. "No!!!" I looked at her confused before she elaborate still shaking her head."she is not getting cake it's too early and she will be too hyper. She literally will be bouncing off the wall." she said munching on her food which look really.....weird. she have ketchup on her waffles syrup and whip cream on her bacon and mustard on her eggs with peanut butter and mayo on her toast gross. She even look kinda fat a little also what's up with the big sweaters lately ."Camz are you trying a new style?" She look at me confused" like are you changing your clothing style cause you know the big sweaters and what's up with all the weird food" I chuckle but everyone else either choke or freeze or look confuse."um...uhhh" Camila stutter out and looked down fumbling with her fork ." I didn't mean to offend you or anything I'm sorry "I said getting up and walking over the table to sit between her and laur. I just realized laur been quiet all breakfast she didn't even touch her food. I then wrapped me arm around Camila woah her stomach big." N-no it's okay I'm trying something new yeah....something new-" I cut her off" Damn camz you're fool stop stuffing yourself" I said while patting her stomach kissing her head . While everyone choke again damn was it something I said I always do this . I shake it off in then turn to Lauren . I poke her side. she slowly lift her head up and gave me a small smile "hi" I said leaning in but she turned her head so it landed on her cheek."I guess she don't want the D dinah"Taylor said high fiving Dinah."Sorry babe I have morning breath " I knew that wasn't the case cause since when that stopped her. "Are you ok babe you don't look so go-" I was cut off by Lauren running to the sink hurling."Gross I'm so not hungry anymore " Chris said moving his plate a side while Lauren kept hurling. I went over there told hold her hair up."Awe you probably caught what camz had." I said rubbing her back while she just kept shaking her head .when she was done she rinse the sink out and her mouth. She looked up with scared eyes" y/n I need to tell you something." I shook my head yes grabbing her hand trying to exit the room for more privacy."No this kinda involves everyone so...we can stay." she said looking down shifting from one foot to the other."You might want to sit down for this..." she said looking up. Now I was scared what can be so bad for me to be sitting down for. Oh my god did my dog die."Okay um...Y/n...i uh um....gosh this is hard." I'm getting really impatient and anxious."can you spit it out already please you making me nervous." I said while my hands got clamy." y/n I'm......pregnant" she said in one breath. course of gasp and 'omg's' and 'ooooh' were all you heard in the room. while I just froze. My heart skipped a beat I didn't know what to say but what sky said next made my heart go from skipped beat from stopped in a matter of seconds." Camila at least your not the only one carry y/n baby now- Oh Shit! Sorry mila." I soon snapped out of my trance." WHAT THE FUCK WHY DIDNT YOU FUCKING TELL ME!!!!" I screamed causing everyone to jump but I look over at Lauren she was fuming. she clench the sink so hard her knuckles was turning white."Y-you and L-lo w-was so h-happy" camz stuttered out looking down but it only got me mad."CAUSE WE WERE HAPPY! DONT YOU THINK THATS SOMETHING I SHOULD KNOW!?!" I screamed flipping my shit pacing back and forth rubbing my temple . "Your a fucking bitch Karla !! You always messing something up!!First the camren thing. Then you have sex with y/n for what to get a guy back. NOW YOUR FUCKING PREGNANT WITH HER FUCKING CHILD!!!" Laur said screaming in Camila face while I just felt dizzy and woozy. "DONT YOU DARE BLAME THAT CAMREN SHIT ON ME!! IT WAS YOU THAT DECIDED TO DISTANT YOUR FUCKING SELF FROM ME!IM SO FUCKING SORRY I SLEPT WITH THE love of your life I'm so sorry I already told you how bad I felt for doing it... BUT IM SORRY I GOT PREGNANT! WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT ME TO DO!!" Camila sobbed out. I want to hug her but I'm so angry with her right now." KILL THE FUCKING BASTAR-" laur said before getting cut off with mila striking her face. Then Lauren strikes her back."I can't believe you said that..." Camila said shaking her head looking at Lauren hurt before walking off. Everyone got quite before Chris broke it."That was low laur even for you"chris said before going after camila..Soon Lauren walk off with tears streaming down her face . "Well that escalated quickly" ally said trying break the awkward silence. soon makayla walked in with a towel on her head and a towel around her body."What happen I heard screaming" she ask with concern laced in her voice. The girls started to explain while I found it hard to stand. I soon fell head first on the floor. then everything went black.

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