Chapter 8

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Your POV
*Beep Beep Beep* I groan from from the sound of my alarm clock shit 6:55am. I'm not even going to school today. I meant to turn that off. "mmm really y/n turn that shit off I'm trying to sleep...." Lauren mumbled. I jumped startled. I almost forgot we fell asleep on FaceTime. "Sorry.." I mumbled while turn to my night stand turn off the alarm clock."Why do you even have your alarm set if your not going to school today dumbass." Lauren mumbled in the pillow."Hmm showing your true colors I see.....Not the sweet Lolo I see in interview.So moody...I should record this conversation and show the fans your true colors and for your information I forgot to turn it off so ehh" I smirked getting her riled up on purpose."Shut up ..I'm not a morning person."lauren replied flicking me off."OMG !!! Lauren!!" Lauren popped up" what! Is there a spider on me or something"laur said looking around on the bed."No! I just smell your breath through the phone you could really use a mint" I said laughing while Lauren glared at me and laid back down muttering a "Fuck you. I bet your breath don't smell too peachy right about now either" she said hiding her face in the pillow and turning over. "Well excuse me miss grumpy pants. But I'm going back to sleep cause We have a long day a head of us. so goodnight! Well goodmorning." I said before Lauren gave me an "mmm" for confirmation that she heard before I ended the call. Lol I love fucking with Lauren. she just so easy to mess with. I huffed and closed my eyes and went in my dream state.
Still Your POV
I woke up to knocking on my door. I groan cause the knocking kept coming. It wasn't even one person knocking it was multiple people banging on the door. Gosh my family can be so annoying at times.
"Y/n get up!! It's 4:30 pm ! The party at 9 and you not even up and dress yet!!" Taylor yelled through the door. I groaned and covered my head with the pillows. They still kept banging! Ugh they really need to go away." We have to set up for the party hurry up and get up! We have to go over the rules too!" Makayla yelled through the doors. Good thing they don't have the key to my door....wait! It's on my door frame. Hopefully they don't find it."Why are y'all keep banging on the door her key is on her door frame" a distant voice said and I'm guessing it's sky cause she's the only one who knew about it fucking traitor."Skylar you're so fucked up! You fucking traitor!!!" I yelled getting up and stretching, cracking my bones while I'm at it.Feels so good.I smile at the release of tension in my body."Love you too and hurry up and get out of there so we can hook up this party." Skylar said peaking through the door.

I just roll my eyes and walked over to my bathroom. I brush my teeth and take a 15 minute shower and wash my hair. The memory in this shower I smile and continue washing my hair shaking the thought out of my head. Once I get it out i lotion up with my Beyoncé heat lotion and spray set and i put moose in my hair and let it air dry for some wet curls. I then looked over for a towel and didn't have one so I just walked out ass naked. But I ran back into the bathroom cause everyone was sitting gathered up in my room and on my bed."What the fuck guys get out I have to get dress!" I said behind the bathroom door." Just come out we will close our eyes" Tay said I huffed and peaked out."Alright close them." they all closed they eyes and ran over to my dresser where mak was sitting.i hurriedly to put a bra on and binned over to my bottom draw to search for some briefs "Nice ass sis!"mak said slapping my ass.Earning laughs from everyone in the room "agh! Stop it! And close yours eyes! Your so fucking gay don't touch me..." I said picking up and pair of underwear and hurriedly put them on. As I walked to my closet next to sky." Nice Elmo boxers. what are you 6!"skylar said while I just turned crimson realizing I put on my sleeping wear boxers. I know it's weird I have different underwear for different occasions and Who cares I'm still a kid don't judge me. "Shut up I love Elmo! And what about you with your little Dora panties you wear. Blame Kylie she told me. sorry not sorry." I said while everyone laughed and sky turned red and and charged to Kylie that's lying on my bed with her mouth agape sprawled out on my bed. "Why did you tell her! No sex for a week!!" Sky said slapping Kylie on the arm. While I turned smiling continued to look for my clothing. Don't fuck with me or I come 10x harder. I decided to wear some acid washed joggers and a white Tommy Hilfiger crop top and a red and black flannel and my black docs. "Look at you looking hot" Steph said earning a slap on the arm and a glare from shay. I guess shay got her girl. I didn't even realize they were in the room oops. I just looked down and blushed. Walked over to my chair and sat down."So ..the party?" I said breaking the silence since no one was speaking the real they came in her to talk about the party." Yes the party! So we decided to let the maids and the rest of the staff leave for the rest of the week so mom and dad won't know we threw a party." mak said glancing up from her phone."Also we have to lock everything up like the important rooms like mom and dad offices." Skylar said I nodded my head but I was wondering where sofi, Kaiden, and Jaiden were going to go . like they can't go to the party and I don't want them around drunk and craze and high teenagers. "What about the kids where they're going to go ? They can't be at the party. where are they now matter of fact?" I said glancing at everyone."Oh yeah about that's you'll all have to watch them in pairs. They will be in Kaiden and Jaidens jungle gym playroom with candy and snacks and stuff which they bribe us with so the won't tell auntie k and uncle Tim on us and which they're currently are right now is down stairs eating making a mess" shay said biting into a snickers. Hey! That's my snickers. she lucky I love her." "oh okay...shay that snicker looks so delicious you can so...have my snicker "I say with so much sarcasm getting a shrug in return. "So the caterers and the DJ will be here to set up at 8 so y/n start locking up" Taylor said throwing me the keys."And for everyone else I already told y'all what to do so let go and get this party started" Tay said walking out the room with everyone tagging along to do there job. I huffed and begin to start locking everything up .When I was on my last door to lock up I saw Tay and jake unlocking my dad's bar which is not a good idea.Thats like his safe heaven he have very expensive alcohol in there he have some old stuff through the years of 1885-1956 and I don't want anyone to drink it and we all die from touching his stuff. He also have business deals and stuff and there. I don't think it's right that's all I'm saying."Chill out we'll lock up the expensive stuff. Jakes working the bar anyway." I guess that's reassuring enough. After that I walk into my room and grab my car keys and my phone. I check the time and see its 7:55 damn time went fast today. I decide to text Lauren that I'm on my way.

Lauren/you: Do you believe in fateWhere stories live. Discover now