Just In the Way

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Wow, another chapter today! Enjoy reading!

Have a cookie!🍪


"Lloyd!" Rang the First Spinjitzu Master's voice.

The children and Lloyd turned to look at the entrance of the casita. Lloyd's grandfather stood there with a raised eyebrow.
"What are you doing?" He asked the blond.

"Oh, they were just asking about the powers and I—" the teen stammered, but got quickly cut off by Marla.

"He was about to tell us about his super awesome power!" She shrieked and pointed at Lloyd.

Kai appeared beside the First Spinjitzu Master, carrying a rolled up blanket with him. 

"Lloyd didn't get one." The brunet shrugged and headed off back into the house alongside their grandfather.

The children turned their heads to look up at the blond boy, who had an awkward smile on his face.

"You didn't get an element?" Nelson asked.

"That— um—" Lloyd stuttered when he got interrupted by the voice of one of the townsmen.

"Lloyd! Delivery!" The man, Dareth, said as he took the load off of the donkey that had carried it to the destination. Dareth came up to Lloyd, handing him the basket full of colourful decorations for the celebration. "I gave you the special, since you're the only kid in that house without an elemental power." The brown clad man said. "I call it the 'not special special', since— you have no element."

"Thanks." The teen said through his awkwardly gritted teeth.

"Oh and tell your bro good luck! Hopefully his ceremony will go the right way!" Dareth said, gave Lloyd a thumbs-up and walked away.

Lloyd stood there in silence. This was what he usually had to deal with; being reminded that he never got his own element and was not special among his relatives who had super awesome elemental powers.

"If I were you, I'd be really sad." Marla voiced her opinion.

Lloyd put on a brave smile and turned to the little girl. "Well, my little friend, I am not sad." He said with confidence. "With or without an element, I know I am just as special as the rest of my family." 

The voices of his family members could be heard from inside the house. Cole was currently carrying a wagon. Zane was making ice decorations on the walls. Flames bursted out of the kitchen, most likely made by Kai, who had gone a little over the top again. A big blow of wind put out the fire in the kitchen while Morro's voice could be heard scolding Kai.

"Maybe your element is being in denial." Marla remarked while gazing at the colourful shelter.

Lloyd sighed. Now he had children feeling bad for him. Great. Well, that didn't matter. Tonight was going to be a blast as Jay was going to get an element of his own. And Lloyd would be the first one to congratulate him even if the element meant that he would have to sleep in the nursery alone from now on.


Lloyd walked into the busy courtyard with the basket of party supplies in his hands. He saw his whole family and several villagers preparing for tonight's ceremony. Well, the whole family except Jay. There were blue and white flowers all around the courtyard. People were carrying stuff here and there, fighting against the time that seemed to be running.

Lloyd walked further in the courtyard and nearly ran into the two men, who were carrying a table. He rushed forward only to almost bump into Cole, who was carrying heavy boxes like feathers. He nearly dropped the boxes on the blond due to the close call.

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