Prisoner Of Pleasure

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His body drifted into a deep slumber the vibrations of his snoring spreaded throughout the bed. Fauna couldn't sleep fearing what he'll do next. She sat up in the bed and observed the room looking at all the books and how clean it was kept. She had notice something that wasn't there when she was tricked into the room. A folded nightgown. She looked over at him sound asleep his long black hair soaked in sweat. The light from the balcony spilled over their bodies and on to the nightstand next to his side of the bed. Something shimmered in her eye Fauna whipped away the tears in her eyes and recognized it was a key. Maybe it's the key to this collar she thought she wrapped the covers over her chest and softly hovered over Loki still stated asleep. She grabbed the edge of the nightstand trying to pull herself closer but Loki snoring had stopped making her face grow pale. Loki shifted his body on his stomach face buried in the pillow hands underneath it. Fauna let out a sigh of relief and continue to grab the key then unlocked the metal collar I'm not staying any longer she thought. She slowly slipped out of bed not trying to wake Loki the sound of her bare feet echoed the room she reached the folded nightgown throwing it over her head. It had fit perfectly. She took a final look at Loki making sure he wasn't watching her. Fauna finally tried to pick the lock.
The castle was pretty large every turn she took there was the same painting of Odin with his wife. The corridors echoed with the sound of her bare foot steps and the occasional sound of Fauna whispering to herself "Do it for father, do it for father" encouraging herself. She swiftly scurried down the corridor before she turned the corner she spotted two Asgardian gaurds patrolling the hall. They were walking away from her holding their swords perfect she thought she could take their swords kill them and make her way out. A smile crept across her face as she walked towards the men knowing she'll be fine. But the men stopped in their tracks almost startled making her do the same "Your majesty it's so late what are you doing up?" One of the gaurds asked. He had found out that she was gone. Fauna froze and tried to back up. "I was just-" Loki said but saw Fauna down the corridor looking like a deer in headlights as they made instant eye contact. "Just going going for a midnight snack" he grinned. The smile on Fauna's face washed away as she knew she was spotted Fauna quickly walked back around the corner as Loki followed her. As she began to run she kept looking back seeing Loki's face get closer and closer. She turned another corner running into a large room and shut the door behind her. Her footsteps echoed louder trying to find her way in the pitch black room while sticking her hands out. Something cold and hard came across her hands Fauna stepped behind it leaning her back against it. Her breathing became heavier as well as the sound of her heart beating. The sound of the door opening made her heart beat grow louder. The hallway lights spilled into the room a shadow appeared at her feet. The silhouette of Loki stood still just staring into the room. Her breathing became loud enough for him to hear Fauna had put her hand over her mouth to muffle the sound of it. "Do you think you can hide from me? I do so love hide and seek. I know I'll love what happens after." He said in a raspy voice. Then door closed and the shadow disappeared but footsteps grew heavy towards Fauna. Tears accumulated in her eyes but she held them back and put her other hand over her mouth to muffle her breathing more. "I will find you and take you. Hard. So hide pet hide well" he said standing behind the pillar Fauna was hiding behind. Something in her snapped and she ran while whimpering she opened the other door but her eyes met a pair of green ones. Loki grabbed her by her neck and lifted her off the ground feet kicking but doing no harm to him. "I win" he smiled eyes of emerald and walls of gold all went black. Warriors never lose she thought before blacking out.

The surface she laid on was soft. A light source shined on her eyes lids there was often sounds of movement in the room. Unaware of what happened or where she was Fauna opened her eyes. The same silk sheets were in her field of view. The feeling of disappointment washed over her that same place she tried to escape was where she was again. She tried to talk but something was covering her mouth obstructing her from talking or breathing out of it. It was latched on tight leaving her to breathe out her nose. Her arms were behind her back her wrists and ankles were cuffed. As she laid on her side she tried to search the room before the noise started up again. A shadow appeared at the bathroom door the same one that was in the hall. "Hello pet" it hissed Fauna looked at the bathroom doorway where Loki leaned arms crossed looking at her with a smirk on his face. Fauna wriggled in the bed trying to get free. "The way you writhe in your bonds it's a delightful sight" he said. He walked over picking her up and laying her face up on his lap as he sat on the green cushion bench. His fingers traced her nipples angering her more "stop!" She tried to say muffled by the gag. Loki giggled watching her squirm "Escaping? I thought you were smarter than that. Now it's time to learn your lesson" Loki turned Fauna on her stomach still laying on his lap. Fauna yelled and tried to move as much as she could but there was no way. Loki lifted up the back of her nightgown exposing her bare ass. He slowly rubbed her ass biting his lips enjoying the softness "Your gonna enjoy this" he said while Fauna tried to yell through the gag. Loki raised his hand above his chest and with all his strength brought it down on her ass. The pain shot through her making her scream "Ahhhh!" her muffled voice sent the feeling of pleasure through his body as he slapped her ass again. "Ahhh!" Loki continued to spank her until her skin began to turn cherry red with his handprint. A erection began to grow in his pants poking in Fauna's stomach. Loki became flustered his whole shirtless chest becoming red as well. He started spanking her faster "Ahhhh!" Fauna screamed louder with every hit as her legs jumped up.Loki finally stopped and pushed Fauna off his lap. Fauna fell to the floor and rolled on her back staring at the gold detailed ceiling her burning skin started to spread to her body making her flustered as well. Loki leaned over and unlatched the gag look at her gasp for air. He stood up untieing his pants looking down at her Fauna watched him in silence thinking she knew what was coming next. Loki grabbed her shoulders pulling her to her knees placing her head in between his legs. "Now it's time for the next part of your punishment" Fauna looked into his eyes and knew exactly what he was thinking
"No. No. I won't"
"You will. And you will enjoy every minute of it. And if you bite I won't hesitate to break that pretty little neck of yours"
Loki reached into his shorts pulling out is cock. He began pressing it against her lips then shoved it into her mouth "Ahh yes" Fauna tried to pull away but Loki pushed her head up and down on his shaft as she gagged a little. The closer he came to cumming the more she came to suffocating. "Yes you like my cock filling your throat don't you pet. Take more of it" Fauna felt a substance spill into her mouth it feeling warm she pulled back his long shaft escaping her lips. His seed filled her mouth before she could spit he grabbed her face and pulled it closed to his "Relish it. Do not spit out my seed or I will fill you again and again" his gripped tightened on her cheekbones as he looked deep in her eyes waiting for her to choose her fate. She swallowed hard enough for him to hear the bitter taste in her lingering in her mouth. Loki smiled in delight "Good girl".

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