The Letter

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The next morning, camilo woke up really early he was excited to write a letter to his brother, when he looked next to him his father was missing so he got his clothes changed into them and went downstairs in to the kitchen. At the kitchen was his dad cooking and mirabel was setting the table, when he walked in he greeted them and they greeted back no one had to say much at breakfast becouse Bruno alredy told mirabel about the letter, after they finished eating camilo went to hsi room and startet writing the letter.

The letter:

Dear Antonio,

Here is you're big brother i hope everything is okey with you and the family and i'm sorry for leaving you behind, but i cant come back for private reasons and i wish i could take you with me but i cant our mother probably couldn't take losing another kid and it's also safer if you stay with them.
I wanted to tell you that i'm fine, i'm with Mirabel and Bruno were all well of and safe but for neather of us is comimg back an option.
I really hope you're doing good and i'm sure were gonna meet again until taht day stay safe.

Love Camilo.

When he finished writing the letter he but some stuff in an bag and wet downstairs to see Bruno and mirabel qaiting for him " i told the village that we will be gone for a day and Jones told us that you could shapeshift into him when you gift Antonio that letter " Mirabel told him " okey thank you lets go" Camilo sayd smiling, they got toke three horses and startet there adventure.

After a few hourse they were in the wood at there old home "camilo you knok and give Antonio that leter and we will wait here and don't take to long we don't wan't anyone finding us " Bruno told "Sure ill be back soon "camilo told them and wen't to the house that was fixed.

At the house he was nervous but knoked he alredy shapeshifted into Jones, the door was oped by his Abuela but he had to stay calm "hello how can i help you ?" She asked " uhm i have an letter for a Antonio Madrigal " he told, she looked a bit skeptical but called Antonio, when he was at the door Abuela told him than the man had an letter for him " a letter for me, from who? " he asked " i don't know buddy but it's for you" he told as he gave him the letter " Well i have to go now byee" he sayed and startet to walk away "thank you sir " Antonio yelled after him, he just smiled at him

and wen't to his family that was alredy waiting for him, he told them how it wen't and after that they startet to go home.


Hello and welcome back i hope you liked this chapter and sorry if i misspelled anything i'm a little tired from schoolwork but i will still try to upload a chapter every day .
Byee <3

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