The roomies in custody

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Are story starts with the LOV in a interrogation room with a sleep deprived zombie,a blonde walking skeleton,a detective,and 2 kids. 1 boy with black hair and a hat.The other a girl with long white hair with a single horn.Each staring at the lov except 1 who the adults had never seen before, a green haired boy who looks about 16-17 at most who somehow looked more sleep deprived then the zombie and more dead inside then a certain half and half colored teen.The detective was going to start when the kids beat him to the punch.



God he even sounded dead inside his voice just radiated vibes of 'can I die yet?'everything he says is just monotone no emotion what so ever.When he responded the zombie spoke.

Zombie:Wait how do you to know this villain?

Boy:He saved my life by killing the big muscle guy at camp he even brought me back to Aunty.

Girl:He would watch over me when the others worked with the evil bird man.He'd always feed me food from outside and bring games for me to play.

Zombie:So a villain being a hero?Thats new.Especially one that works with the LOV.

This made the man in hands correct the zombie.

Handy:He never worked for us...and he is not a villain!

The detective:Truth.

This confused the lov until the green boy cleared the confusion.

Deku:Name: Naomasa Tsukauchi, Quirk:Human lie detector...

Handy:oh fu-




Detective:Ok this isn't working eraser head you take the green one to the other room and take the children with you.I'll see if I can get something out of them.


Eraser went over to untie him but to his surprise Deku just got out and walked to the door then turning around to wait for eraser.

Tsukauchi:You we're tied down and you had your quirk nullified how did you get out so easily?

He turned to the detective and shrugged before looking at eraser once again who sighed and followed Deku to the room next door.

Deku,eraser,and the kids walked into the room and Deku and eraser sat across from eachother before stairing at eachother for who knows how long.The silence was broken by the sound of snoring as we see both eraser and Deku asleep as the two kids just sweat dropped at this.

Back with the lov they were being... difficult to say the least.

Tsukauchi:Alright let's just start over.I'm am going to ask some questions and need you all to answer correctly,alright?

Each had there own answer to this.

Vampire:If I get some blood!

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