...something you weren't meant to see...

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A dark misty portal opens up outside a house, coming out was 2 people, a misty figure with yellow eyes, a metal collar and a suit, the other is a boy with short light blue hair, his face and arms had hands on them, he wore a simple black long sleeve shirt.

Shigaraki: Kurogiri, why are we outside so random house??We were looking a bases before and now some random house?

Kurogiri : Young master, this is not just some random house. This is a potential base of operation.Sometimes the best places are the places you see quite often.

He said as he lead them to the door and opened the door.Inside was a barely furnished living room with a couch that had most certainly seen better days, a old leather chair that looks like it came from a dumpster, and finally a old school box TV.

They walk inside and into a side room which ended up being a... bedroom? Torture chamber?? Cell??? Whatever it was it reeked of iron, after a not so close examination you could see the dried blood that covered the room along with the thousands of bloody bandages that littered the floor along side it,there was also a bed,but perhaps "Bed" is putting it nicely as it was nothing more then a thick blanket with a tiny baby sized pillow at the head of it.These we're also cover in dried blood, as a matter of fact there were a few patches of blood that looked relatively recent. They soon got sick of the smell of blood as they left the room and continued into another room.

This one being a bathroom that was actually really clean if you ignore the blood dripping from the sink and the cabinet mirror that had a fresh bloody hand print on it, but ignoring the blood there was a perfect toilet and shower.

Shigaraki:Man this place just radiates 'slasher' vibes

They walked further into the house and came across a kitchen that contained a rectangular table with 4 chairs pushed in, the chair were not the same in the slightest as each was of different size or material, as if they were made with whatever they could find, there was a empty sink that every few seconds would drip a spec of water which Kurogiri promptly shut fully, a stove that appeared to be boiling water, a microwave that wasn't plugged in, and surprising the 2 villains the most was a very large espresso machine with the cup being 3 times bigger than the average human head.

A boy sat at one of the tables with a first aid kit,he reaches into the kit and grabs stitches, a sowing needle, tweezers, guaz, and bandages.The sounds of liquid hitting solid ground filled the room as both villains turned to the sink only to see that it was still closed as the sound continued.The dripping continued as the villains watched as the boy in the chair rolled up his left sleeve, revealing several slashes had been engraved into his arm by a sharp object, the blood dripped faster out of the now revealed wounds, as if a river of blood had been coming from that one point.

They watched as the young boy unflinchingly cleaned his wounds and started stitching the wounds shut with the needle he heated up with the stove top.The more they watched the more they were baffled at how many scars this child had, and by the looks of it most were never treated properly and instead were singed shut.The cuts were sporadic but at the same time seemed familiar to them.

Curiosity got to the blue haired man as he wanted to know what it was.Signaling for the man of smoke to check it out Kurogiri silently made his way behinds the boy, quickly realizing how short and skinny the boy was as he looked like he ate once a day, he was malnourished with his pale skin being a dead give away for that. Once he was behind the boy he leaned above him to see the damage.He wished he didn't. Those were randomly places cuts...

...Those were words...

'Deku' '#1 Reject' 'Filth' 'Useless' 'Pathetic' 'Faliure'
'Deku' 'Defenseless' 'Waste' 'Bastard' 'Worthless'
'Deku' 'Stupid' 'Sub-Human' 'punching bag' 'Deku'
'IRL Training dummy' 'Nerd' 'Deku' 'Freak' 'Deku'
'Deku' 'Deku' 'Deku' 'Deku' 'Deku' 'Deku' 'Deku' 'Deku' 'Deku' 'Deku' 'Deku' 'Deku' 'Deku' 'Deku' 'Deku' 'Deku''Deku' 'Deku' 'Deku' 'Deku'
'Y o u W o r t h l e s s D e k u !'

All somehow engraved into a child's arm, written in a may to cause the most amount of bodily harm possible.The boy gets up from the seat when he finishes bandaging himself up and makes his way to the espresso machine and pre heated it.The boy turned on his heels to return to his seat, causing him to come face to face with Kurogiri.








It was very awkward and just stared at eachother for a solid 12 minutes before there staring contest was rudely interrupted by the espresso machine going off, as he walked over filled the pot with the ingredients.When the espresso started poring he turned back to the two intruders.

Izuku:..................do you want some.............?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2022 ⏰

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