Chapter 2

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Ben got my bags out of the boot and told me to go inside with Alexa to meet Sam and Sarah. Alexa and I walked into the front foyer and I have to say from what I have seen so far their house is huge... I wonder if they've got an in ground pool?

I turned and looked into what must be the living room and saw about 12 pairs of eyes staring at me "Elle hunny, this is Sam and Sarah" Alexa said and pointed to a boy with dirty blonde hair and blue eyes and then to a girl with blonde hair, green eyes and a tan darker than most of the Aussies back in Australia.

"Hi" I said with a wave but I didn't get a reply, they all just continued to look me up and down and stare at me with an odd look on their faces.

"Sam, Sarah I thought we both agreed on only having 1 friend over each, not 5" Alexa spoke with a annoyance and disapproval in her voice, "oops" they both said in unison.

I just awkwardly stood in the middle of the foyer while waiting for Ben. Alexa went out to the kitchen and told me that I should join in with Sam, Sarah and their friends until he comes inside with my luggage and then we can go and put my stuff in my new room but I think I would prefer to just stand here.

"You can come and sit down you know" Sam spoke out "yeah I know I just um..." They all just looked at me "fine then have it your way" he said and went back talking to his friends.

How long is Ben going to take? It got to awkward standing in the foyer with all these teenagers looking at me so I decided that I would have a look around the house.

First I had a look at the bottom floor and they have 3 living rooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 bedrooms, a sauna and a cinema room. rich people.

I then went upstairs and there was another cinema room and like 5 bedrooms oh and I almost forgot another kitchen. I was exploring the hallways when I heard footsteps so I quickly hid in a cupboard.

after a minute of standing in a cupboard whoever it was was gone so I decided to get out of here.

I slowly closed the cupboard door and turned around quickly but I ran into something or someone and fell flat on my ass.

"Oh shit sorry, here let me help you up" a deep voice said and lent out their hand, I looked up and stared into his deep ocean blue eyes, they were stunning "are you going to take my hand or not?" He said with a smile, I nodded and grabbed his hand and he pulled me up

"thanks" I said "that's okay, I'm chandler by the way" he said "I'm Elle" I replied "yeah I know" I just smiled at him and he smiled back "well I better go Sam and the others are probably wondering where I am" and with that he walked off and went down the stairs, talking quick glances back at me.

I went downstairs and into the kitchen to find Ben and Alexa kissing "ahem" I mumbled and they both broke apart "um oh ah do you want to go put your stuff in your room?" Ben said and ruffled his hair "uh yeah sure" I shrugged.

Ben picked up my stuff and we both went upstairs, he led me down the hall and into apart of the house I didn't explore

We stopped at a door and Ben told me to open it so I did what I was told and opened it.

My jaw dropped at the sight of my bedroom, it was so big and perfect and is exactly the way I would've designed it

it had all white walls except one was black, nice grey carpet with a black fluffy rug, a centred queen size bed with black, grey and yellow bed covers, a flat screen TV mounted on the wall, a playstation 4 and heaps of games and gaming merch, a balcony, an ensuite and a walk in robe. this is amazing.

"Is this really my room?" I asked Ben "yes of course hunny, why wouldn't it be?" He asked "it's just so big" I exclaimed and he just laughed "okay I'll leave you so you can put your stuff away" and with that he left me and went back down stairs, probably to suck face with Alexa again.

I started hanging all my new clothes that Ben and Alexa bought me in my walk in robe. Ben and Alexa also bought me about 6 pairs of brand new shoes, 2 pairs of converse, a pair of doc martins, a pair of vans and 2 pairs of Windsor smiths and surprisingly they were exactly my size! Why are these people spoiling me?

After I was done I went and plopped myself down on my bed, I could literally fall asleep right here right now because it was that comfortable but I got bored so I decided to change into some of my new clothes and go down stairs

I went through all my clothes and then I finally decided on this really nice turtle neck and a pair of shorts and quickly changed my nose piercing from a stud to a ring.

"Elle just in time, I was just about to send Ben up to come and get you" "why?" I asked "because it's dinner time silly" Alexa said with a laugh

I just looked at her until she spoke again

"dinner is out in the dinning hall, we are having Thai and by the way I like your nose ring" Alexa said with a smile "okay, thanks" I said with a nod and was about to make my way towards the dining hall when Alexa called out 'oh and by the way, Sam, Sarah and their friends are already seated in the dining hall waiting for you'

Oh that's just great, I gave Alexa a thumbs up and continued to walk towards the dining hall

I'm not looking forward to this, I have to sit in a room full of teenagers who I am pretty sure don't like me and I'll have to put up with them all staring at me and most likely whispering about me.

I reached the dinning hall, it was really loud and full of laughter, I took a deep breath and slowly opened the door.

Well guys this is the second chapter so I hope you liked it. Sorry for not updating for like 7 months, I just haven't really been into it and I have had a lot of other things on my mind and I have been having a lot of problems with my life lately but enough talk about that because I am back and this is meant to be a happy moment.

So anyway the next chapter is going to be up soon and I shall also be putting chapter nine of stay safe which I also haven't updated for 7 month within the next week or two but don't rush me because I only started writing again and also the next few chapters might be shit because of this reason.

You guys should also vote for my book, it will only take a second and it really brightens up my day

Ily. xx

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