Fucking High school

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It is her first year in highschool. Freshman. Freshy. Fresh meat. Whatever they may call it. She was 14 years old. She was pure. She only vape a few times with her older sister she was always told by everyone she knew that she is uptight everyone told her to let loose a little and live in the moment. So she did that and she lived in the moment that night and she tried it. She knew that wasn't going to be the only time she hit a vape. But it was a first. 

She met this guy. He was a senior and he smoked weed. He was really chill and laid back but at times he had a really bad attitude. One day she added him on her snapchat and they snapped back and forth. Then one day in one of the snaps he sent her she noticed a pipe on his desk. And than she asked not knowing this was going too be one of the biggest fuck up things she would ever do. She asked if he smoked. 

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