To the beloved one of God, 2nd son of Bathsheba

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Jon, my beloved I remember seeing you the first time,
thinking you were pure magic.
Wanting to be your muse.
Thinking were some god who lost their way to Olympus.
Wanting to be your home.

Eden was where you took me when I traced your arm.
Your amber eyes bright like polished opal.
The smile on your lips my golden charm.

Did you feel it? The hunger in my lips when we kissed.
Like Johnathan and David at Ramah.
Paradise to a Zionist.

Innocence was what I had to offer.
You took it willingly, clothing me with your robes.
Then I was under the curse of The Archer.

Did you feel it? The fever in my touch when we loved.
A covenant that dare not speak its name.
A mystery better left unsolved.

Innocence lost, I turned saul.
I became the villain in this fairytale.
Loving you was my one pitfall.

Hell was the exile you put me through,
When I lost you on mount Gilhoa.
bleeding life's scarlet hue.

Heaven recieve my soul
Forgive my naivety.
I have no home apart from him.

Letters I'll Never Send To Him. [Poetry]Where stories live. Discover now