Thinking of Him.

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I woke up thinking about him again.
Wondering if sleep held more comfort for him than wake.
Wondering if he had dreams under those closed eyes.

I thought about him all afternoon
Wondering if he knew how much I liked him.
Wondering if he knew all thoughts ceases when I looked at him.

I thought of him all evening
Wondering if he enjoyed his dinner at The Safari
Wondering if he discussed me with his friends.

I thought of him all night as he readied for bed.
Wondering why he gave me that look.
Wondering why he had the cold shoulders.

I thought of him in sleep.
Wondering if he saw me in his dreams.
Wondering if he knew we loved under the moonbeam.

I woke up thinking about him
Wondering if sleep held more comfort for him than wake.
Wondering if he could feel my heartache.
Wondering why he called my name in sleep.

I thought of him in death,
As my flesh was laid rest
Wondering if he would mourn,
our broken dreams.

For my Archangel, twin of the morning star.

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