Ch.3- A Sad Day (kinda)

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Jake's POV:
After my Aunt,Uncle, and Junior left, I went to my room, and went on my phone, Still can't believe that already have a crush on the prince of Newtopia, Junior said that I'm "totally his type", but either way, I'm just a boy from a village. He's a literal prince. I CANT MATXH UP TO THAT!! "Ughh what do I do Binx?" I asked. My cat,Binx, just meowed and rubbed himself against my arm. I chuckled and started to pet him. All of a sudden I heard a thud followed by glass breaking. ' im so fucked right now' I think. My head footsteps coming up to my room. I hide my phone,Binx,my journal,and my favorite stuffed cat that my mom made when I was younger in my closet.

My dad broke my old phone so Junior got me another one, my dad stepped on Binx's tail because he was laying kn the couch,and of course he can NOT see my journal. I hear someone come right out front of my door and then the door slams open, and there is none other than my dad, with a bottle of whiskey in his hand. His face is flushed red and his eyes are drowsy. " JaKe GeT ovER HeRe NoW."

I walked towards my dad with my back straight and my chest up. I stood only 2 inches away from him when he chugged down the rest of the drink, threw it to the side and pinned against the wall. " Why the fuck did you have to be a faggot huh? You think your mom would love you if you liked boys huh?" I lowered my head and said, " But shes not here dad. She's not coming back home, she's gone so let her be, she's finally free dad, let her go."

My dad slammed me against the wall again,screaming, " I KNOW SHES FUCKING GONE JAKE I KNOW!"A punch to face,which made me bleed. "YOUR MOTHER WAS NOTHING BUT A DAMN WHORE AND HAD UNREALISTIC DREAMS." A punch to the face again, and a kick to the stomach. "SHE TRIED TOGET WITH YOUR UNCLE FIRST BEFORE ME, DID YOU KNOW THAT?!" A kick to face,stomach,and to my leg, that's still healing from last weeks beating. "SHE THOUGHT SHE COULD MAKE IT IN THIS WORLD BEING A WRITER AND FIGHTER, BUT SHE WAS JUST WEAK LIKE YOU!!"

Then came his signature mark whenever he beat me. He grabbed the whiskey bottle that was somewhat broken and threw it on my body,thank goodness it was never my head or face. But all the glass went to my chest,stomach, and upper leg area. It hurt so bad I couldn't move. " Clean this shit up." My dad mumbled while walking out to the living room. I tried to get off the ground to at least close my door, which I was able to do. I got my emergency first-aid-kit and took off my shirt. I looked in the mirror and saw a bunch of tiny glasses in my body. One by one I pulled them out carefully. I hissed in pain every time I took one out.

When I got all the parts, I disinfected the scars, and put band-aids and medical wrap on it. I cleaned up the glass, and took out my phone and Binx from the closet. I went and layed on my bed, I put on my favorite slow playlist, and cried. Binx licked my hand and cuddled with me the whole way, though my crying. I wish I could leave.

Two Hours Later
I woke up, my playlist paused,and Binx by my head. I didn't hear anything but silence. I was feeling hungry so I went to see if dad was gone so I could get something. I got up and left my room, and walked down the staircase. I went slowly and quietly, not wanting my dad to see or hear me. I went down and look out in the kitchen window. ' Shit! His work car is still here!' I silently panicked and walked down to peek in the living room. He wasn't there.

Weird. I went to grab a banana and took a bite. Omg, since when did bananas taste this delicious? I went around the house looking for my dad up until I saw the basement door open. I went to go look down there to see if dad was there. I went down the staircase and looked around. It smelled like someone thee up bad. Then I saw small sparks behind our water heater.

I went around it to only see... my dad laying on the ground with a beer bottle and dead. I ran to my too as fast as I could with tears in my eyes, and called Junior.

omg I'm so so sorry I haven't posted in a while, there's no excuse for my absence, only that I may have kinda forgot about this book... BUT NOT ENTIRELY. I will be doing a double post as a sorry but the next chapter will be a bit shorter bit not to short. I'll put Jake and Juniors POV for the next one. See you guys  next chapter bye!!!🤍🤍🤍💀💀

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