Ch. 2- OoOOo Devon has a crush~

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Devon pov:

I was laying in my bed watching a documentary about the Hello Kitty case ( btw an interesting case) when all of a sudden, my door nearly gets broken down by my mom. She looks happy, for some reason. " Ohhh Devon~, I've just received wonderful new my son!" I think to myself that the hell is she taking about. " What do you mean mom?" I ask in a very concerned tone. " Soooo I've just heard that Junior is going to have a royal party in three months, and that all of the neighboring kingdoms are to come with their children! Maybe you can find your future husband or wife there! Oh Devon just remember though, they must be royalty." I lay there,on my bed, completely shocked, for too reasons.
1.) She expects me to find a husband/wife at a party, THATS MENT FOR SOMEONE ELSE TO FIND THIER FUTURE LOVER! (also Devon already know abt the party bc JR told him first) 2.) HOW TF DID SHE KNOW THAT IM BI?!. I HAVENT CAME OUT TO HER YET!! " Um mom I just want to say-".

My mom raised her hand up, and spoke calmly, " Devon I know about you being, well you know what, and I just want to say that I will support and love you with all my heart as always." I give her a blank face and jump off my bed. " No mom I was gunna say that it's not just a party, it's so Junior can find his fíance at the party, if I trued looking for my own fíance, it would the light off of him, ya know? It wouldn't be fair." I just stare at her. " oh.. king Logan never told me that." My mom says quite embarrassed. She clasped her hands and said happily, " WELL DOSNT HELP FROM TRYING!!" I just sigh and shake my head. " Well I have to go honey, I just wanted to talk to you about the party and all, I love you Devon, bye~!" And with that my mom slammed my door shut, and I was alone,again. I lay back down and all of a sudden Junior called me. ( I'll just have the call in a texting format, Devon is bold, and Junior, is normal, ok? srry abt this it's just easier)

Incoming Call : Jr 🤦‍♂️🤨

Hey Devon ! Remember when you talking abt the kind of guys ur into?
Umm yea why?
welll not to be playing matchmaker, or anything, buuuut I might have found someone for you, who I think you'll liiiiike~
Wait really ? Who, and it better not be someone you just met online like 10 minutes ago, jr or I swear to god ima beat ur ass-
no no no no no calm down I've know this guy since forever!!
Ok fine, who is it?
my buddy, my cousin JAKE !!!
wait your cousin? are you ok w me dating your cousin???
yea ! I'm totally ok w it, I even asked him and even he admits that your preeeeety cute~
( silence)
s-shut up no I'm not, wait what does he look like?
oh yea! hol up I'll send a pic of him rn

(Opens Text and sees the picture) / just context on the pic/ Jake and Junior abt 2 weeks ago at the beach and Jake, is ofc shirtless

hey Devon u still there bud?
soooo what do u think????
Well he's cute-looking, his hair looks soft, and his eyes look so caring, but sad like too, he has nice muscles too ig ....
OooOoOOooo little wittle Devon has a cruuush~~~
mhm sure, well I'll call later bc I'm going over to his house to pick him up
can't promise~ byeeeee

Call Ended
also just so you know , this call is after leaving for dinner but the call with be a cliffhanger for the next chapter

I put my phone down, then I hear a ping in my phone. I open it and see it's from Junior, it's more pictures of Jake, there's one of him at the park, at the movies, even one's where he and Junior are playing when they were younger, like 5 or 6. I scroll though all the photos of Jake until my eye lands a special pic, that Junior had left a caption for, it said ' my personal favorite one, he said this is the only and I mean only pic he likes of himself'

I look at the pic it's Jake leaning against a railing, and there's a sunset on the beach, he's smiling, with a hand holding his curly brown bangs out of his face. I've never seen anyone more gorgeous than him. I don't I need to find a fíance at the party if I'm honest,

I think I found the one already.

YESSS ANTHOR CHAPTER DONE!! I'm so sorry this one took forever, also I'll be putting more just random ships that I like, rather than Jevon pics, because a lot of them are just pics of when they went to the mountain, or cliff, and kissed, so yeaaa, ALSO VOTE IF U WOULD LIKE ME TO PUT MEMES. THEN VOTE ON RANDOM INTERNET MEMES OR ANIME ONES. But other than that's all for today, tysm for reading until next time. Byeee~~~ 🤍🛐

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