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Monday - Clays POV.

Clay woke up annoyed, Which is never a good mood to be in on a Monday. He was pissed off because he got shitty with Nick about asking George what had happened, And that on Saturday George was hanging around Nick too.

Clay was often overprotective and got jealous easily, Which was an annoying trait to have seeing as he always jumped to conclusions or made stupid decisions. He was a little jealous that Nick had gone to hangout with George instead of him, But in all honesty he didn't blame him after how Clay had lashed out.

He got out of bed and did his usual morning routine, Going downstairs and eating some breakfast, He just put on a green hoodie and some sweats. Normally Clay hated being in the wrong and never admitted it, But this time he knew going off at Nick was wrong on his part.

He poured a class or juice and chugged it as he realised he wasn't gonna make it if he took a break, Rushing through the door to get to school. When he made it there he quickly tried to find Nick. Spotting him down at the field with Punz.
He walked over, Both of them turning to look at him.

"Hey Punz could you like, Leave us for a minute man? Sorry." Clay asked politely.

Punz nodded his head and left, Nick avoiding eye contact with an annoyed expression.

"What do you want Clay? Nick asked.

"Look Nick I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have gone off at you like that it wasn't how it was supposed to come out. I was just fed up, Sorry dude." Clay spoke with sincerity.

Nick laughed and hit Clay in the shoulder.

"Nah you're alright bro."

They both let out a small laugh before Nick went to say something again.

"Uh actually about that, On the weekend when I was with George, He brung Andrew along with him." Clay stopped.

"Andrew? As in that Andrew?" Clay asked.

"Yep. That Andrew, And they seemed pretty keen on one another if you ask me." Nick frowned.

Well shit. The last person George should be talking to is him, He's a prick. Andrew and Clay hated each other, Beyond words. They were old friends. Andrew however, Lived in England whilst Clay remained in Florida. Up until recently apparently.

"So why do you say they're close?" Clay asked.

"They couldn't keep their eyes off each other, George especially." Nick sighed.

Clay didn't respond, Too caught up in thoughts to even find the words he wanted to say. He walked off as the bell rung and entered his maths classroom, Face saddened for an unexplainable reason. He sat in his normal spot and Luke sat next to him.

"Hey Clay!!" He greeted.

"Fuck off Luke. I don't want to talk to you." Clay hissed.

That lesson went slowly, Noticing a pair of eager and happy voices from behind, Already knowing who it was. After the lesson ended Clay didn't hesitate to leave. Not in the mood for staying around even an extra second.

Suddenly Clay had an idea, He had to warn George about Andrew, Incase he did have bad intentions. He hurried over to where they sat.

"Hey George mind if I speak to you a second..? Please?" His voice sounding desperate.

"Yeah, Okay." George sighed.

After they walked a bit away from Andrew, George seemed annoyed at being pulled away.

"Look- George I know you and Andrew have been getting along but you need to understand me, I don't think he has good intentions with you. I know who he is George and he isn't a good person." Clay pleaded.

"Unbelievable. You're just jealous Clay. Jealous that somebody actually cares for me and doesn't have bad intentions, Much of a rarity to you." George huffed.

"You know what George, You are an absolute dickhead. Go fuck yourself you self absorbed prick." Clay spat and walked off.

He couldn't believe what George had just brought up, He wasn't wrong though. It was often extremely rare Clay found someone who didn't have bad intentions, Which was partly the reason he always pushed people away. It didn't matter anymore, George could have prevented finding out in the worst way possible, But instead he decided to be ignorant.

Clay had science last, Deciding to skip for the first time in a while. He walked out of the school gates as he noticed a voice from behind him. It was Nick asking to tag along, Of course Clay accepted secretly happy he had asked. Clay didn't like being alone, It was a fear of his. And ever since he lashed out at George in their previously relationship, The feeling of being lonely was extremely prominent.

"So where do you wanna go Clay?" Nick asked.

"I'm kinda hungry. Pizza?" Clay insisted.

They decided on pizza and walked there together, Buying a large pepperoni pizza to share.

"So did you try to tell George about Andrew?" Nick asked with his mouth virtually full.

"Yeah I tried. But he decided to be a dickhead so I don't care if he finds out on his own anymore." Clay said annoyingly.

After they finished the pizza the two of them decided to go back to Clays house together. Going up to his room Nick paused at the gaming computer.

"Hey Clay.. I have an idea, How about we stream Minecraft? Seeing as it's been well over a year since we did." Nick suggested eagerly.

They used to be famous Minecraft streamers, So did George. In fact Clay and George used to stream together a lot, Until their friendship ended.

"Sure why not, What harm could it do, It'll be fun!!" Clay cheered.

So they sat down and started streaming, The chat flooded with confusion.

"No way is he actually streaming?"
"Where've you been??"
"Woah Dreams back!!"

Dream was his online username, Nick's was Sapnap. George used to go by GeorgeNotFound.

They streamed for a while, Just playing Minecraft together and arguably it was really fun. He missed it a lot, And wouldn't mind if he started streaming again. Am hour or so went by and Nick had to get going, Deciding they wanted to stream more often again. Clay fell asleep quite soon after he ended the stream, Being exhausted from everything today.

1058 Words.

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