Chapter 04

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Comfort women should seem immune to insults and inappropriate treatment. Still, the most beautiful woman in the Barnard Club, Merry Qarrshicx, should be treated like a princess.


"Mr Gilbert, you can't act like this. She is Merry. She works at this club, and tonight you've ruined her make-up. At this rate, Merry could lose a lot of customers, and my club will suffer a huge loss." His voice was sharp at the end of the sentence.

Darren's eyes glanced briefly. "Have you finished talking?"

"You must be responsible, Mr Gilbert. You must compensate for a huge amount."

The sentence that had just tickled Darren's ears had forced him to turn his face to Barnard as the club owner.

Indulging in a dazzling blue eyes silhouette had made Barnard's body shiver violently. He directly inched backwards. The one thing Barnard wanted right now was to disappear from the billionaire's sight.

Afraid? Of course!

Who would not be afraid to be stared at by blue silhouettes that dazzle beautifully?

Now, those blue eyes turned as loud as the Devil Lucifer's gaze when he wanted to crush his enemies.

Anyone who saw the current appearance of the billionaire would indeed run away, likewise with what Barnard felt.

Indeed, being stared at by the blue silhouette tonight felt so gripping that his heart felt like it was being crushed right every part of his body. Not just stares, the billionaire has given off a deadly aura.

One thing Barnard felt, his heart was being squeezed very hard. After that, it was thrown into the middle of the fire.

'God, please save me. Take me away from here right now.' He asked in his heart with a violent shivering body.

Unfortunately, the God of luck was not on his side. An authoritative baritone voice with high arrogance seemed to sweep over the ears.

There was nothing Barnard could do but freeze in his current position. Not only was he frozen, but his body was also shaking violently at the deadly sharp stares on him.

"Are your ears deaf, huh? Come here!" Darren snapped until his voice overpowered the noise of club music. Unfortunately, Barnard didn't seem to hear, so he was still frozen in his current position.

'What should I do? God, help me. Save me from this billionaire cruelty. Please, help me, God. Take me away from here right now. Please…' Barnard thought with a locking gaze on a handsome face as handsome as a Greek God.

Meanwhile, Darren' sturdy lips seemed to have a smirk on his face.

"I'm not the Devil Lucifer who acts so cruelly on innocent people. Come here, or I'll break your legs so you can't walk anymore, huh?" His tone was low but full of undeniable command.

With no other choice, Barnard finally approached.

"Yes, sir." He whispered with his face down in fear.

"No rats down there! Raise your face, Mr Barnard!"

Barnard then timidly raised his face so that it was spoiled with blue eyes that rained down on him with full sharpness.

Not a single word accompanied the movement of the billionaire's firm lips except throwing a wad of dollars worth hundreds of millions.

"Take it and buzz off! Don't disturb my fun."

The club owner immediately widened his gaze. 'Is this real or?' He thought while patting his own cheek.

His fear instantly disappeared and was replaced with a feeling of immeasurable joy. His footsteps seemed to be getting closer to Darren hand in hand with open lips. However, his movements were halted by the sarcastic words.

"Isn't that money enough to keep your mouth shut, huh?" Darren asked without looking at the other person.

"That's enough, sir. It's quite enough. This money is more than enough."

"Then, what are you waiting for? Go!"

"Alright, sir. I'll excuse myself." Barnard replied while bowing before walking away from the billionaire.

Unfortunately, after only a few steps, Barnard had been stopped by a domineering baritone voice with high arrogance. At the same time, he immediately twisted his body. He seemed to be hunched over.

"Yes, sir."

"Sterilize my room from waste!" The billionaire ordered without looking at the other person. At the same time, he walked straight to the VVIP room.

"Alright, sir," Barnard answered with a locking gaze on his burly back, which was gradually disappearing from his sight.

Understanding what the billionaire meant, Barnard immediately gave a stern warning to all the women who worked at the Barnyard Club not to approach the VVIP room, let alone enter it.

"Understand?" He asked. All beautiful women there nodded.

"If you violate it, you will end up as Merry, even worse."

However, talking about Merry made him wonder how the woman was now?

"Ah, who cares? The most important thing is..." his sentence was interrupted with a smirk at the amount of money in his hand.

"Good job, Merry. Tonight your work is really excellent, baby." Said Barnard while breaking a broad smile to reveal a row of white teeth.

"Without having to work hard. Money is coming," he said, accompanied by laughter.

"Uh, if only every day was like this, I would definitely be rich like you, Mr Gilbert."

Barnard burst into laughter again so that his laughter seemed to echo throughout the room. However, the laughter immediately died down when there was a knock.

"Come in!" He ordered as he didn't want to move from his current position.

The bodyguard seemed to bow. "Excuse me, sir."

"What's wrong? Say it quickly!" While putting a wad of dollars into the safe.

"Ms Merry requests a day off for today and asks you to meet her at the apartment immediately."

'Shittt, how dare that despicable woman orders me. I know she's the prettiest and the most in-demand. But she shouldn't be this presumptuous.' He growled.

"You go there! Fulfil whatever she needs!"

"Alright, sir. I'll excuse myself." The bodyguard half bowed before walking away from his master.

'She just spoils my fun!' He cursed along while gazing at the bodyguard's burly back.

"Hey, wait!"

The bodyguard immediately stopped walking and turned around immediately.

"Yes, sir."

"I want to be alone. Don't let anyone in!"

"Alright, sir. I'll excuse myself."

Barnard only answered with a sigh.

'You're very presumptuous, Miss Merry. Every day your attitude is getting more arbitrary. You act as if you own the Barnard Club. Pathetic, despicable woman.' He swore at Merry.

'Ah, but she's also an asset to this club. After all, she has given me many advantages, including today.' He continued in his heart.

Barnard leaned his back on the chair's back combined with a meaningful smile. His heart was still bouncing with happy thoughts.

"Tomorrow, you have to make the billionaire spend a more fantastic amount of money, baby." He muttered to himself.


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