Chapter 07

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"If Mr Obsen gets angry because my photos aren't that good, then the first person to blame for all this is you, Mr Gilbert." Her annoyance was combined with the sharp glances she threw at the door of the room, which had been closed tightly.


The famous supermodel, Flower Carnabel, was in doubt. On the one hand, she must immediately prepare to go to the shooting location. However, the billionaire was still sleeping on her bed.

She seemed to be stomping her fingers on her chin.

"How about this?" She glanced at the owner of the muscular body, who was still fast asleep.

"If I take a shower, what if Mr Gilbert suddenly wakes up and breaks open the bathroom door?"

She also seemed to shake her head, imagining this terrible thing.

"Oh, no-no-no. I would never let such a terrible thing destroy my future, especially my dream career."

'But, if I don't get ready soon, how do I get to the shooting location?' She continued in her heart.

Her hazel eyes squirmed in disgust at the muscular body that was still fast asleep.

"Huh, what a bother!" Upset.

She rolled her eyes over and over again, trying to find a way out of the problem that was pressing her at this time.

Not wanting to be late-onset and get into trouble with the crazy CEO, Obsen Blossom, she then decided to take a bath in Karyl's apartment.

"Oh, good. I'm a champion at problem-solving. Let's go, Flow."

Her steps were getting more comprehensive, combined with a smile full of victory. Still, that smile disappeared along with the footsteps.

"Then, what if Mr Gilbert wakes up and doesn't find me in this apartment? He must feel like he's been held captive and... chaos ensues. Oh no!"

Actually, she could have asked the security officers for help. However, she didn't allow anyone to enter her room. As a public figure known to the broader community, Flower Carnabel must maintain such an attitude.

"Arrgghh," she screamed in frustration.

"Why are you giving me so much trouble, Mr Gilbert?"

She never thought that meeting with the billionaire would trap her in a complicated problem.

"Why don't you wake up too, huh?" She shouted as she kicked the door really hard.

At the same time, she returned with a fierce glare. "If I wait for you to wake up, I'll be late, and I'm the worst at dealing with that thing, Olsen. But if I go now..."

"Arrgghh," she banged her elbow on the door.

"Ouch, it hurts..." She groaned as she rubbed her sore elbow.

Finally, she decided to approach the side of the bed. She wanted to drag the owner of that handsome face and then throw him out. Unfortunately, her desires never matched reality when what she wanted was the opposite of what she was doing.

With great tenderness, she woke up the billionaire.

"Wake up, sir! It's getting late. Do you want to sleep all day, huh? Come on, wake up!" She gently rubbed the strong arm.

Unfortunately, Darren was not bothered at all. The billionaire really looked comfortable in his sleep.

"Huh, he is indeed handsome, but troublesome." She growled with chest heaving up and down, holding back her emotions.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2022 ⏰

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